Thomas More Society Defends David Daleiden as He Uncovers Abortion Industry’s Sale of Fetal Body Parts
Society files Anti-SLAPP motion to fend off National Abortion Federation’s attempts to shut down Daleiden’s Free Speech rights

The Anti-SLAPP action is a legal response to an arguably legally baseless effort on the part of the plaintiff, the National Abortion Federation, whose objective is allegedly to deny Daleiden his First Amendment free speech rights. Following Daleiden’s release of whistleblowing videos depicting Planned Parenthood’s and Stem Express’s (and others’) roles in illegal harvesting and selling fetal body parts for profit, as well as violating laws against partial birth abortion, killing of born alive infants, and altering abortion procedures so as to enhance possibilities for securing “intact fetal cadavers,” the National Abortion Federation sued Daleiden and his affiliated entities, as well as Operation Rescue head Troy Newman (represented by separate counsel), under the federal Racketeer Influenced & Corrupt Organizations Act (“RICO”), a 1970 federal law which was designed to combat organized crime, as well as under another twelve California state law claims.
The Thomas More Society was formed back in 1997 in order to continue the marathon efforts of its founding attorney, Tom Brejcha, to defend against the abortion industry’s earlier effort to use RICO vs. the pro-life movement in NOW v. Scheidler, a national class action lawsuit. NOW v. Scheidler was prosecuted in Chicago and pended from 1986 until just last year when the Society won the case definitively after 28 years and three trips to the U.S. Supreme Court.
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