Thursday, September 20, 2018

asmPolitics-149 [Abortions-Rev. Clenard Childress Jr.]

The most dangerous place for an African-American to be in the womb of their African-American mother
By Clenard Childress
March 29, 2011

Once again the ideologues of the of the Left are confronted with the reality of Truth and due to their frustrations with the logic of this Truth, resort to defaming the source of their discomfort by using their now infamous strategy of crying, Racism. Yes, rather than confront and resolve the matter in question, based upon the data and research available, they circle the wagons to protect their political correctness, totally disregarding empirical truth and evidence demanding a verdict. For some, rather than admit they have been duped, bamboozled, scammed — victimized by accepting practices and polices propagated by their party and mercenary leadership — they yell incoherently at the messengers, shooting them with slanders and slurs, thus intimidating them into backing down. Unfortunately, due to 'White Guilt' the cry of Racism coming from an African-American against the perceived Right, often sends good intentioned 'Angels of Mercy' back-peddling, along with their critical message. And thus their Truth is censored. I take heart, though, for as Dr. Martin Luther King said,

    "We shall overcome, we shall overcome, deep in my heart I do believe we shall overcome. And somehow I believe this because the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice. We shall overcome because Carlyle is right. No lie can live forever. We shall overcome because William Cullen Bryant is right, truth crushed earth shall rise again. We shall overcome because James Russell Lowell is right, truth forever on the scaffold, wrong forever on the throne. Yet that scaffold sways the future.
Now, I don't know all of the reasons the Billboard in the SoHo section of Manhattan was taken down but it certainly reflects the consistent pattern expressed already. So, you take it down, does that mean its not so? First and foremost, let us state this sociological fact: in our present society, "The most dangerous place for an African-American to be is in the womb of their African-American mother." This declaration has been on my website, for the last five years and I have been saying it for the last nine years. What should be the safest and most secure place, has proven to be in this day, the most dangerous, for at any time in our nation's history, it is safer on the battlefield where there is less probability of death, then in the African-American womb.

Let us take a moment and look at some numbers to get a better understanding of this salient fact. The Vietnam War was fought between the years of 1955 and 1975 representing the first fully integrated war wherein racial demographics were significantly paid attention to and studied. Of the 2,594,000 individuals who actually served in the country of Vietnam during those years, roughly 58,200 died in combat, or about 26 individuals per day. Of the 58,200 who died in combat, 7,241 African-Americans gave their lives serving their country accounting for roughly 12.4 percent of all combat deaths versus 13.1 percent of the then young male adult population of fighting age. Compared and contrasted with the American Civil War fought between the years 1861 through 1865 — our nation's toughest conflict — it is estimated on the low side that 625,000 died between Fort Sumter and Appomattox Court House, or 599 individuals per day.

The closest disparity is in world war two their were one million black troops (6.2%) 292,000 US military were killed in battle, 114,000 in accidents illness, ect, there were 142,000 Black Troops killed these numbers indicate that a very large percentage of those that died in world war two were black( 35%-49%) depending on how you do the numbers.

As you can see by these numbers their must have been some very suicidal assignments given to Black Troops by their white officers. Racism? Dr. Martin Luther King sighted the injustice often in his speeches denouncing the racism of wars fought in general. These same solders who survived came home after fighting for the freedom of European Anglo-Saxons were not able to drink from segregated water fountains, eat at certain restaurants or shop at department stores. Such was the case for many of the Afro-American solders coming home from Vietnam. The Black Panthers saying was often heard in the urban communities "black men fighting to free yellow men still shackled by white men upon their return."

No matter where these wars were waged no place has proven to be more destructive or deadly than the African American womb in the 21st. The war being waged against people of color at their inception is decimating the African American community at an alarming rate. 52% of all African American pregnancies will be aborted. 1786 each day! Over 20, million since America sanction the war by making it legal in 1973. War, yes war! Wars

Now look at this: no matter where or when thesewars were waged, no place has proven to be more destructive, nor deadly, than the war being waged on the African-American womb in the 21st Century. The war being waged against people of color at their conception is decimating the African-American community at an alarming rate. 52% of all African-American pregnancies will be aborted representing 1,786 individuals each day far and away exceeding our nation's worst casualties per day representing over 20 million since America sanctioned the war by making abortion legal in 1973.

Here is another way of looking at it: in a five day work week, 8,930 African-American babies die exceeding the Vietnam War African-American 20 year casualty count of 7,241 by a further 1,689 deaths. These are real people. These are real children. So when I say, War... Yes, war! Wars are calculated, planned, logistically, strategically, and tactically implemented and executed to root out and destroy an intended enemy. So, when the leading abortion provider in the United States, invades predominately minority neighborhoods, receiving over 350 million taxpayer dollars to wage this war against African-Americans in the womb, you need to wake up, Black America, to what is going on. The truth is: we are at war and, "no lie can live forever..."

And then you have the Politically Correct problem of calling the Truth, "Racism." What is Racism really? Often flung about and used as a pejorative, what is the definition? The American Heritage Dictionary says Racism is, 1. The belief that race accounts for difference in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. 2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race." The Billboard in question doesn't sound like Racism to me but more like, "...truth forever on the scaffold..."

The problem... Well... Let me call them what Margaret Sanger called them: "Colored Ministers." Colored Ministers whom she said she would bribe to make sure her scam on Black America would go unimpeded. So I ask: Colored Ministers, what didyou see when the Billboard went up to expose the conspiracist? Black Ministers, Black Leaders calling it racist...? No mention or research on whether it was true or not...? No, sadly, nothing but the last ditch solution when bribed Colored Ministers are used to get Whitey to back down or their suitors will be exposed as Racist.

The truth of the matter is, the cry of Racism should be from everyone in the African-American community against Roe vs. Wade, Planned Parenthood, and the whole abortion industry. And worse then that, you have a currently sitting Supreme Court Justice tell you in the New York Times that it was Racism that decided Roe vs. Wade, not constitutional law! Ruth Bader Ginsburg stated, "At the time roe was decided, we believed it was to control populations, especially those we don't want too many of." Or as the dictionary says in part, "...that a particular race is superior to others..." Now that's Racism.

This war's primary weapon is not abortion but lies, deceit, cover-up, conspiracy, delusion, and duplicity — particularly within the African-American community. The greatest fear they have is not legislation; it's their lies exposed leading to new legislation ending abortion. That's why there was such an outcry against the Billboard and frenzy to get Colored Ministers to call the constructors, Racist.

For those of you who are curious, there is a reason that term is on my website. The reason is being grieved in prayer. My thoughts burden me with the fact that what should be so safe for our most vulnerable, has become the most dangerous for the least protected. Yes, I coined the phrase out of despair and will never give up the fight to defend those who cannot defend themselves for "...somehow I believe this because the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice."

And by the way: I am an African-American as well as are both my parents.

Special shout out to MrHollywoodchachi

© Clenard Childress
Original Article:

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