Congressional Democrats Literally "Embracing" The Leader Of A Hate Group Should Be Bigger News
- Louis Farrakhan, the head of the Nation of Islam, is the leader of a designated hate group, has praised Adolf Hitler as "a very great man," and has been labeled "the leading anti-Semite in America."
- Eight Democratic members of the House of Representatives have met with Farrakhan, the man who praised Adolf Hitler, while serving in Congress.
- Among the eight are the Democrat's third ranking member in the House and the DNC's second-in-command.
- Four House Democrats are seen on video hugging Farrakhan, a man who praised Adolf Hitler, and a separate video shows the nation's leading anti-Semite greeting Rep. Maxine Waters with a kiss.
- Four House Democrats - Rep. James Clyburn, Rep. Andre Carson, Rep. Maxine Waters, and Rep. Al Green - have not fully denounced or condemned Farrakhan, a man who praised Adolf Hitler.
- Rep. Carson has said he would not rule out meeting with Farrakhan, a man who praised Adolf Hitler, again in the future and Rep. Davis recently praised the nation's leading anti-Semite as an "outstanding human being" while also downplaying what Davis called "the Jewish question."
- Rep. Keith Ellison, the Deputy Chair of the DNC, has extensive ties to Farrakhan, a man who praised Adolf Hitler, and The Washington Post recently determined that Ellison lied about his ongoing relationship with him.
- OUTSTANDING QUESTION: After The Washington Post exposed Rep. Keith Ellison's lies denying an ongoing relationship with Farrakhan, Ellison should be asked to disclose all interactions, or events attended, with Farrakhan.
Louis Farrakhan Is The Bigoted Leader Of A Hate Group, The Nation Of Islam
Louis Farrakhan Is The Head Of The Nation Of Islam. "Louis Farrakhan, the 84-year-old head of the Nation of Islam, has been back in the headlines after a previously unreleased photo of him with President Barack Obama was published in January and Mr. Farrakhan gave an anti-Semitic speech at his organization's annual convention last month." (Jonah Engel Bromwich, "Why Louis Farrakhan Is Back In The News," The New York Times , 3/9/18)
According To The Anti-Defamation League, Farrakhan Is " The Leading Anti-Semite In America ." "More than any other NOI leader, Louis Farrakhan has built a legacy of divisiveness as the leading anti-Semite in America ." ("The Nation Of Islam," ADL , Accessed 3/7/17)
- ADL: Farrakhan Has Spent 30 Years Promoting Anti-Semitism And Racism, Often Blaming Jews For "Serious Issues Affecting The African-Americans Community." "Under Louis Farrakhan, who has espoused and promoted anti-Semitism and racism throughout his 30-year tenure as NOI leader, the organization has used its programs, institutions, and media to disseminate its message of hate. While Farrakhan often speaks about serious issues affecting the African-American community, including racism, police brutality, and economic disparities, he often blames Jews for these societal problems." ("The Nation Of Islam,"ADL , Accessed 3/7/17)
- ADL: Farrakhan "Has Repeatedly Alleged That The Jewish People Were Responsible For The Slave Trade As Well As The 9/11 Attacks, And That They Continue Conspire To Control The Government, The Media, Hollywood, And Various Black Individuals And Organizations." ("The Nation Of Islam,"ADL , Accessed 3/7/17)
The Southern Poverty Law Center Considers The Nation Of Islam A Designated Hate Group. "Nonetheless, its bizarre theology of innate black superiority over whites - a belief system vehemently and consistently rejected by mainstream Muslims - and the deeply racist, anti-Semitic and anti-LGBT rhetoric of its leaders, including top minister Louis Farrakhan, have earned the NOI a prominent position in the ranks of organized hate." ("Nation Of Islam," Southern Poverty Law Center , Accessed 3/7/18)
Farrakhan Called Adolf Hitler "A Very Great Man." "[T]he Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man. He wasn't a great man for me as a black person, but he was a great German. Now, I'm not proud of Hitler's evils against Jewish people, but that's a matter of record. He raised Germany up from nothing. Well, in a sense you could say there's a similarity in that we are raising our people up from nothing." ("Nation Of Islam," Southern Poverty Law Center , Accessed 3/7/18)
Farrakhan: "It's The Wicked Jews, The False Jews, That Are Promoting Lesbianism, Homosexuality. It's The Wicked Jews, False Jews, That Make It A Crime For You To Preach The Word Of God, Then They Call You Homophobic!" ("Nation Of Islam," Southern Poverty Law Center , Accessed 3/7/18)
Farrakhan Opposes Interracial Marriage.BASHIR: Do you still stand firm on the issue of racial mixing? FARRAKHAN: I don't like it. No, no. BASHIR: Why not? FARRAKHAN: The black woman is suffering today from no black men. Black men in jail, black men on the corner, black men uneducated. Go look at the black colleges or white colleges you see black women in there getting the finest education. Where will their counterparts be when they get out of college? There's no male counterpart that's even worthy, or very few, that are even worthy to marry these young women who are trying to be chemists and scientists and mathematicians and engineers. So we need to wake up, that's why I called the Million Man March. I wanted to get black men to take their responsibility. No, you can't legislate against love, so when a black person and a white person are truly in love I have nothing to say about it. BASHIR: Do you forbid black and white dating and marriage? FARRAKHAN: I would love to forbid it because we are so far behind. Our women don't have adequate men, so I want the black men to marry the black woman. I want the white woman to marry the white man. BASHIR: Why? FARRAKHAN: 'Cause that's the natural thing. If it were not natural you would have many many many many many cross-marriages. You don't find that many Chinese marrying white people. Or Indian people or black people. You find it somewhere, but Chinese marry Chinese, white people marry white people, what's wrong with black people marrying black people? That don't mean we're racist, but we look at the crossing of the two. Well, OK they're in love, love transcends ethnicity and racial boundaries and there will come a time when human beings will love each other enough or respect each other enough that there will be a cross between this and that, but the nature of things is if China became Muslim tomorrow, they ain't marrying Japanese. They ain't even marrying Koreans. ( ABC 's Martine Bashir's Interview With Louis Farrakhan," 3/8/07)
On March 5, 2018, CNN Aired A Segment About The Democrats' Ties To Farrakhan In Which Tapper Criticized Democrats For Privately Meeting With Farrakhan And Not Denouncing Him, Saying "People Want The Association But They Don't Want To Get Dinged For It Publicly. JAKE TAPPER: "Yet there's been reporting about, I think The Wall Street Journal reported on a secret meeting with Keith Ellison, whose the Vice Chair of the DNC, had with a group of people including Farrakhan. There was a secret meeting the Congressional Black Caucus had with him. There's was this photograph of then Senator Obama had been hidden from the public for several years. So people want the association but they don't want to get dinged for it publicly." (CNN's "The Lead With Jake Tapper," 3/5/18)
- On March 6, 2018, The Nation Of Islam Attacked Jake Tapper And "Jewish Lies" In Their Newspaper, The Final Call. (Jeryl Bier,Twitter Feed , 3/6/18)

Assistant House Minority Leader James Clyburn Spoke With Farrakhan At An Event In 2011
Assistant House Minority Leader James Clyburn (D-SC) Shared A Stage With Farrakhan In 2011, And Has Said He Is "Not Bothered In The Least Bit" By The Criticism Of Jewish Organizations. "Assistant House Minority Leader James Clyburn shared a stage with Farrakhan in 2011. After Jewish organizations criticized Clyburn taking part in an event with Farrakhan, the South Carolina Democrat brushed off their criticisms. Clyburn told Final Call - a Nation of Islam publication - that he was 'not bothered in the least bit' by the criticisms." (Peter Hasson, "The Four Democrats Who Met With Farrakhan And Still Won't Denounce Him," The Daily Caller , 3/10/18)
- Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) Is The Third Ranking Democrat In The House Of Representatives Serving As The Assistant Democratic Leader. "James E. (Jim) Clyburn is the Assistant Democratic Leader, the third-ranking Democrat, in the United States House of Representatives." ("Biography," Rep. James Clyburn , Accessed 3/13/18)
Clyburn Has Failed To Condemn Or Renounce Farrakhan. "Clyburn declined to condemn Farrakhan in a broadly written statement released to The Daily Caller News Foundation." (Peter Hasson, "The Four Democrats Who Met With Farrakhan And Still Won't Denounce Him," The Daily Caller , 3/10/18)
Rep. Andre Carson Has Met With Farrakhan Since Taking Office
Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN) Confirms He Recently Met In Private With Louis Farrakhan. "Ellison met privately with Farrakhan. Shortly after Ellison wrote his Washington Post article, Farrakhan posted an interview on his Facebook page in which he said the 'deceitful' op-ed was the result of 'Jewish control of politics, economics, Hollywood, music, media.' He also said that Ellison and Rep. André Carson (D-Ind.), the only other Muslim member of Congress, had recently met with him and had a private chat. 'Both of them, when I was in Washington, visited my suite and we sat down talking like you and I are talking,' Farrakhan told his interviewer, Munir Muhammad. 'But evidently, the enemy has made me the litmus test for all black people who want to rise in their world.' Carson, in a statement to The Fact Checker, did not address the circumstances of the meeting but confirmed he had met with Farrakhan:" (Glenn Kessler, "DNC vice chair Keith Ellison and Louis Farrakhan: 'No relationship?'" The Washington Post , 3/9/18)
Carson Has Failed To Denounce Farrakhan."Carson's office has not yet returned TheDCNF's inquiries into whether he is willing to denounce Farrakhan." (Peter Hasson, "The Four Democrats Who Met With Farrakhan And Still Won't Denounce Him," The Daily Caller , 3/10/18)
Carson Said He Would Not Rule Out Meeting With Farrakhan In The Future. "I asked Carson if he would rule out any future meetings with Farrakhan. 'No meetings are planned,' he said. But will you make it a matter of principle not to meet with him because of his anti-Semitic comments? 'I often attend banquets and other events where I don't know who will be seated near me,' Carson said. That can be hard to control, I agreed. But will you rule out another meeting like the one you had with Farrakhan in 2015? Carson would not say that, even after I circled back to the question later in the interview." (Tim Swarens, Op-Ed, "Swarens: Andre Carson Won't Rule Out Future Meetings With Louis Farrakhan," The Indianapolis Star , 3/13/18)
Fox News Headline: "Pol Who Warned Of Bigoted Rhetoric Justifies Ties With Louis Farrakhan, Lashes Out At Jewish Group"(Elizabeth Llorente, "Pol Who Warned Of Bigoted Rhetoric Justifies Ties With Louis Farrakhan, Lashes Out At Jewish Group," Fox News , 3/11/18)
The Washington Times Headline: "Dem Congressman Blasts Jewish Group Calling For Resignation Over Farrakhan Connection"(Valerie Richardson, "Dem Congressman Blasts Jewish Group Calling For Resignation Over Farrakhan Connection," The Washington Times , 3/9/18)
When Asked About The Republican Jewish Coalition Calling For His Resignation, Carson Responded By Criticizing The Jewish Group, The Israeli Government, And Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. REP. ANDRE CARSON: "Well, that organization [Republican Jewish Coalition] doesn't have any credibility with me. I know they have a political agenda. The Congressional Black Caucus is asking that organization to condemn Benjamin Netanyahu and the government for discriminating against Africans, who are migrating, who are fleeing dictatorships, who are fleeing oppression. There's a great deal of bigotry and racism right now that they've failed to condemn. Secondly, my record has shown I've spoken out against anti-Semitism, homophobia, islamophobia, xenophobia, all of the phobias. There was a report that I attended a meeting." FOX 59's ANGELA GANOTE: "That's the key. They said that you were at a meeting with Louis Farrakhan and he's anti-Jew, anti-gay, anti-white." CARSON: "I have met with him as have other members of the black caucus. But there was another meeting with the Iranian president, I was not there. The organization that put it together put my name on it as they do other members without asking us and that's how that confusion happened. But I've met with him as other members of the black caucus have met with him. Talkin about anti-crime efforts, discrimination against women and those kinds of things. But I condemn any form of discrimination and I've been consistent." (Fox 59 Morning News At Six, 3/9/18)
Rep. Maxine Waters Has Met With Farrakhan At Least Twice Since Taking Office
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) Met With, And Hugged, Farrakhan At A Meeting Of The Congressional Black Caucus In 2006."Recently re-emerged footage from 2006 shows Waters and other Congressional Black Caucus members greeting Farrakhan with hugs and handshakes, before standing and talking with him for several minutes." (Peter Hasson, "The Four Democrats Who Met With Farrakhan And Still Won't Denounce Him," The Daily Caller , 3/10/18)

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) Attended A Nation Of Islam Convention In 2002 Where Farrakhan Defended Suicide Bombers."Democratic California Rep. Maxine Waters attended a Nation of Islam convention where the hate group's leader, Louis Farrakhan, defended Palestinian suicide bombers. The convention, which took place in California in 2002, is just the latest tie to emerge between Democrats and the Nation of Islam, a black nationalist group known for being viciously anti-Semitic." (Peter Hasson, "Maxine Waters Attended Nation Of Islam Convention Where Farrakhan Defended Suicide Bombers," The Daily Caller , 2/17/18)
- Rep. Waters Is Warmly Greeted By Farrakhan With A Kiss. (Saviour's Day Speech, C-Span , 2/17/02)

Rep. Waters Spoke At A Town Hall Meeting With Farrakhan In 1993 Where A Declaration Of Unity Between The Nation Of Islam And The Congressional Black Caucus Was Announced. "At a rare public gathering, a diverse group of African-American leaders yesterday pledged greater unity within their sometimes fractured ranks, including the announcement of a more formalized working relationship between the Congressional Black Caucus and the Nation of Islam. In a declaration of unity that brought a standing ovation from the crowd that included factions that have been at odds in the past, caucus chairman Kweisi Mfume (D-Md.) said, 'No longer will we allow people to divide us.' The agreement between the caucus and the often controversial Nation of Islam means that the two groups will consult on legislative issues and develop common strategies, much like the caucus and the NAACP have done on major issues such as the Lani Guinier nomination and President Clinton's budget package, he said. The occasion was a caucus-sponsored town hall meeting entitled 'Race in America,' in which Mfume, Nation of Islam minister Louis Farrakhan, NAACP executive director Benjamin F. Chavis Jr., Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and Jesse L. Jackson, a former presidential candidate, were brought together to discuss what all agreed was the sorry state of race relations and solutions to the problems facing African Americans." (Lynne Duke, "Congressional Black Caucus And Nation Of Islam Agree On Alliance," The Washington Post , 9/17/93)
Waters Has Failed To Condemn Farrakhan For His Remarks And Beliefs. "Waters has not returned TheDCNF's repeated requests for comment on her relationship with Farrakhan, and she has yet to issue a public statement on Farrakhan." (Peter Hasson, "The Four Democrats Who Met With Farrakhan And Still Won't Denounce Him," The Daily Caller , 3/10/18)
Rep. Al Green Has Met With Farrakhan At Least Once Since Taking Office
Rep. Al Green (D-TX) Met With, And Hugged, Farrakhan At A Meeting Of The Congressional Black Caucus In 2006. "In a video posted to YouTube in 2009, Reps. Maxine Waters and Barbara Lee of California, Al Green of Texas and William Jefferson of Louisiana can been seen exchanging hugs and handshakes with Mr. Farrakhan, then talking with him about coordinating their public responses to Katrina." (Jeryl Bier, "The Dems' Farrakhan Problem," The Wall Street Journal , 1/29/18)

Green Has Failed To Denounce Farrakhan For His Remarks And Beliefs. "Green has not returned TheDCNF's repeated inquiries into whether he is willing to condemn Farrakhan. His office also did not return Politico's request for comment on Farrakhan." (Peter Hasson, "The Four Democrats Who Met With Farrakhan And Still Won't Denounce Him," The Daily Caller , 3/10/18)
Former Rep. William Jefferson Met With Farrakhan At Least Once While In Office
Former Rep. William Jefferson (D-LA) Met With, And Hugged, Farrakhan With The Congressional Black Caucus. "In a video posted to YouTube in 2009, Reps. Maxine Waters and Barbara Lee of California, Al Green of Texas and William Jefferson of Louisiana can been seen exchanging hugs and handshakes with Mr. Farrakhan, then talking with him about coordinating their public responses to Katrina." (Jeryl Bier, "The Dems' Farrakhan Problem," The Wall Street Journal , 1/29/18)

In 2016, Rep. Keith Ellison Misleadingly Implied His Relationship With Farrakhan Ended In 1995
In December 2016, A Spokesperson For Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) Claimed Ellison Has Had "No Additional Involvement" With Louis Farrakhan Or The Nation Of Islam Since His Work With The Million Man March In 1995."Ellison's involvement with the Nation of Islam would continue after he graduated from law school in 1990. Ellison helped organized the Minnesota delegation to the 1995 Million Man March, which was led by Farrakhan. The Star Tribune reported at the time that Ellison spoke ahead of the controversial Khalid Abdul Muhammad, who was kicked out of the Nation of Islam by Farrakhan two years earlier for making blatantly anti-Semitic comments, at the University of Minnesota in efforts to raise funds for the Million Man March. According to The Star Tribune report, Muhammed's speech at the university was racist, anti-Semitic, and homophobic. Ellison's spokesperson noted to CNN that 'President Obama, Stevie Wonder, Maya Angelou, and many others also attended the March' and said he 'had no additional involvement with March organizer Louis Farrakhan or his organizations, has long since denounced him, and rejects all forms of anti-Semitism.'" (Andrew Kaczynski, "Rep. Keith Ellison Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Past Ties To Nation Of Islam, Defense Of Anti-Semitic Figures,"CNN , 12/1/16)
VIDEO: In December 2016, When Joe Scarborough Asked Ellison About His Association With Farrakhan, Ellison's Implied The Association Was Limited Up To 1995, Saying It Was "Something That Happened In 1995. This Was The Year That The Million Man March Took Off." MSNBC's JOE SCARBOROUGH: "So just to clarify it then, based on, again, all these quotes and sort of the buzz out there from CNN and others who were reporting on what you said before, do you believe that Louis Farrakhan is an anti-Semite?" KEITH ELLISON: "Sure. But I mean, what does he have to do with anything going on in this race or this country at this time? Absolutely nothing. I mean look - SCARBOROUGH: "Well CNN says that you've said some positive things about Minister Farrakhan, a role model for black youth." ELLISON: "But here's the thing, Joe. We're talking about something that happened in 1995. This was the year that the Million Man March took off. People were attacking the march at the time. The march was a very good thing. I was very proud to be part of it. But here I am having to answer questions about this, and I'm not talking about what our country needs to look like and what the Democratic Party can do because this smear campaign from almost 21 years ago or something like that -- this is about distracting and taking people away from the issues that really are at hand in this case. And I think it serves somebody's political purpose to push this stuff, but it doesn't serve the public interest to serve it." WILLIE GEIST, MSNBC HOST: "Congressman, there are some Jewish Democrats who look back, and if you're going to lead the party, they look at those comments with some fear and some trepidation. Do you disavow quotes like that, the one we just read?" ELLISON: "Man, I'm telling you back in 2006 and before I disavowed them. That's the ridiculous thing about this, that we keep on having to answer this kind of stuff. But let me tell you, it's not the people -- I don't think people who are pushing it are genuinely curious. They don't want to talk about what the Democratic Party needs to look like to be an effective vehicle for the hopes and dreams of average Americans. So they bring up this kind of stuff on national television." (MSNBC's "Morning Joe," 12/14/16)
On February 22, 2018, Ellison Told Wolf Blitzer He Had No Relationship With Farrakhan. WOLF BLITZER: "What exactly is your relationship with Farrakhan?" KEITH ELLISON: "No relationship. My political opponents keep pushing this out there in order to try to smear and distract from the key issues. But there's no relationship Wolf." (CNN's "The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer," 2/22/18)
Despite His Assertions The Relationship Ended In 1995 And That He Renounced The Group In 2006, Ellison Has Continued To Have Connections With The Nation And Farrakhan Since The Million Man March
The Million Man March Was Held On October 16, 1995. "OCT. 16, 1995 On this date, hundreds of thousands of black men made their way to the Mall for the Million Man March." (Annys Shin, "Remembering The Million Man March," The Washington Post , 10/12/17)
In 1997, Ellison Agreed That Jews Were The Most Racist White People And That Farrakhan Was Not An Anti-Semite. "When the then-executive director of The Minneapolis Initiative Against Racism, Joanne Jackson, came under fire in 1997 for allegedly saying during a forum that Jews are the most racist white people she knows and that she did not think Farrakhan was a racist, Ellison, who identified by his religious name of Keith Ellison-Muhammad, defended her, saying, 'She is correct about Minister Farrakhan. He is not a racist. He is also not an anti-Semite.' (Ellison would later address this incident in 2006, writing in a letter to a local Jewish group, 'While some at that meeting justified her comments, I spoke out in favor of increased dialogue between the Jewish and African-American communities. I believe that Ms. Jackson's alleged remarks were clearly bigoted, discriminatory story, inappropriate, and even ridiculous.')" (Andrew Kaczynski, "Rep. Keith Ellison Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Past Ties To Nation Of Islam, Defense Of Anti-Semitic Figures," CNN , 12/1/16)
In 1998, Multiple Local Newspapers Identified Ellison As Deeply Involved In The Nation Of Islam. "In 1998, Ellison launched a bid for Minnesota state representative, a race he lost after failing to gain the endorsement of the Democratic Party in the state, known as the DFL. Both the Star-Tribune and Insight News identified Ellison, who at time was still going by Keith Ellison-Muhammed, as deeply involved in the Nation of Islam at the time." (Andrew Kaczynski, "Rep. Keith Ellison Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Past Ties To Nation Of Islam, Defense Of Anti-Semitic Figures,"CNN , 12/1/16)
In 1998, Ellison Was Photographed With Copies Of The Final Call, The Official Newspaper Of The Nation Of Islam. "In 1998, Ellison launched a bid for Minnesota state representative, a race he lost after failing to gain the endorsement of the Democratic Party in the state, known as the DFL. That same year, Ellison was pictured with copies of The Final Call, the official newspaper of the Nation of Islam. The picture, which was uncovered by the Minnesota Democrat Exposed blog in 2006, was taken at a rally against police brutality." (Andrew Kaczynski, "Rep. Keith Ellison Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Past Ties To Nation Of Islam, Defense Of Anti-Semitic Figures," CNN , 12/1/16)

CNN: Ellison "Publicly Renounced His Association With The Nation Of Islam In 2006 After It Became An Issue During His Run For Congress." "Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress, publicly renounced his association with the Nation of Islam in 2006 after it became an issue during his run for Congress, when local Republican bloggers began publishing his old law school columns and photos connecting him to the organization." (Andrew Kaczynski, "Rep. Keith Ellison Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Past Ties To Nation Of Islam, Defense Of Anti-Semitic Figures," CNN , 12/1/16)
According To The Washington Post, Ellison And Farrakhan Have Encountered Each Other At Least Three Times Recently. There are at least three recent cases in which Ellison and Farrakhan have crossed paths and may have even spoken." (Glenn Kessler, "DNC vice chair Keith Ellison and Louis Farrakhan: 'No relationship?'" The Washington Post , 3/9/18)
On March 9, The Washington Post's Fact Checker Gave Ellison's Claim Of "No Relationship" With Farrakhan Four Pinocchios. (Glenn Kessler, "DNC vice chair Keith Ellison and Louis Farrakhan: 'No relationship?'" The Washington Post , 3/9/18
Rep. Danny Davis Called Farrakhan An "Outstanding Human Being" And Discounted Farrakhan's Anti-Semitism Referring To It As "The Jewish Question"
On February 5, 2018, Rep. Danny Davis (D-IL) Defended Farrakhan As An "Outstanding Human Being." "Democratic Illinois Rep. Danny Davis defended Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan as an 'outstanding human being' on Monday. I personally know [Farrakhan], I've been to his home, done meetings, participated in events with him,' Davis told TheDC. 'I don't regard Louis Farrakhan as an aberration or anything, I regard him as an outstanding human being who commands a following of individuals who are learned and articulate and he plays a big role in the lives of thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of people,' he emphasized later." (Peter Hasson, "Democratic Congressman Claims Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan Is An 'Outstanding Human Being,'" The Daily Caller , 2/5/18)
On March 4, 2018, Davis, Addressing Farrakhan's Anti-Semitism, Stated "That's Just One Segment Of What Goes On In Our World. The World Is So Much Bigger Than Farrakhan And The Jewish Question." "'I'm a pretty global individual. So I know Farrakhan, I know the Middle East question, I know the Jews and Farrakhan - I know all that, but that's not what I spend all my time focused on,' Davis continued, breaking into a laugh. 'I know Farrakhan, been knowing him for years and years and years and years and years, and every once in a while some writer or somebody will I guess try to think of something to say about Farrakhan, but nah, my world is so much bigger than any of that. I don't have time for that. I deal with it, you know, when it comes but nah, that's not a real part of my focus.' 'That's just one segment of what goes on in our world. The world is so much bigger than Farrakhan and the Jewish question and his position on that and so forth. For those heavy into it, that's their thing, but it ain't my thing,' he said." (Peter Hasson, "Democratic Congressman Confirms Relationship With Farrakhan, Unbothered By 'The Jewish Question,'" The Daily Caller , 3/4/18)
- Rep. Davis: "I Know Farrakhan, Been Knowing Him For Years And Years And Years And Years And Years…" (Peter Hasson, "Democratic Congressman Confirms Relationship With Farrakhan, Unbothered By 'The Jewish Question,'" The Daily Caller , 3/4/18)
After Facing Backlash For His Statements In Support Of Farrakhan, Davis Released A Statement Condemning The Anti-Semitic Leader Of The Nation Of Islam. "So let me be clear: I reject, condemn and oppose Minister Farrakhan's views and remarks regarding the Jewish people and the Jewish religion." (Press Release, "Statement Of Rep. Danny K. Davis On Anti-Semitism (Follow Up), Rep. Danny Davis, 3/8/18)
Rep. Barbara Lee Also Have Ties To Farrakhan
Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) Met With, And Hugged, Farrakhan During An Event With The Congressional Black Caucus. "In a video posted to YouTube in 2009, Reps. Maxine Waters and Barbara Lee of California, Al Green of Texas and William Jefferson of Louisiana can been seen exchanging hugs and handshakes with Mr. Farrakhan, then talking with him about coordinating their public responses to Katrina." (Jeryl Bier, "The Dems' Farrakhan Problem," The Wall Street Journal , 1/29/18)

Only After Being Called Upon To Resign By The RJC And The Media Did Lee Condemn Farrakhan. (Rep. Barbara Lee, Twitter Feed , 3/8/18)

- On March 6, 2018, The Republican Jewish Coalition Called On The Seven Democratic Members Of Congress With Ties To Louis Farrakhan To Resign, Which Included Rep. Keith Ellison, Rep. Maxine Waters, And Rep. Danny Davis. "Seven long-serving Democrats have close ties with Louis Farrakhan. Each of them should resign. They include former Nation of Islam employee, Congressman Keith Ellison, who is Deputy Chair of the DNC. Ellison has tried to excuse his 2013 meeting with Farrakhan, while ignoring his more recent meeting with the NOI leader in Farrakhan's hotel room, in 2015. At least six other Democrats are known to have embraced Farrakhan. These members of Congress - Maxine Waters, Barbara Lee, Danny Davis, Andre Carson, Gregory Meeks, and Al Green - have all, while in office, sat down with Farrakhan for personal meetings. There can be no question about how abhorrent it is for these Democrats to be connected to Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan is first and foremost a preacher of hate." (Press Release, "RJC Calls On Seven Farrakhan-Connected Members Of Congress To Resign,"Republican Jewish Coalition , 3/6/18)
- Original article:
- https://gop.com/the-hateful-farrakhan-8-rsr/
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