Saturday, September 22, 2018

asmPolitics-167 [Abortions]


Planned Parenthood tells Blacks: You’re better off aborting your babies

Planned Parenthood tells Blacks: You’re better off aborting your babies
J. Bicking /

Victoria Garaitonandia Gisondi
November 7, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – In what has to be the most shameless marketing strategy in recent history, a Planned Parenthood Twitter account called PP Black Community, tweeted a "scary stat" on Halloween morning: "If you're a Black Woman in America, it's statistically safer to have an abortion than to carry a pregnancy to term or give birth. #Scary Stats."
If you're a Black woman in America, it's statistically safer to have an abortion than to carry a pregnancy to term or give birth #ScaryStats
— PP Black Community (@PPBlackComm) October 31, 2017
What's truly scary is that an organization that prides itself on its message of empowerment and inclusion is fear mongering young minorities with the exact opposite message of empowerment and inclusion. Planned Parenthood is convincing young Black women that they are not equipped to give birth. They are telling them that abortion is a safer option. They are saying if they choose to be mothers, they will most likely die.
Interestingly, this message is coming from the nation’s largest abortion business.  It’s an obvious and malicious hard sell to minorities whose neighborhoods are already invaded by abortion clinics. They may as well push them over the edge.
If Planned Parenthood’s intent was to bring attention to the disproportionate amount of maternal deaths and the lack of quality healthcare for Blacks compared to Whites, then they failed bigtime. Instead their message sounded something like, “Let us kill your baby before your baby kills you”.
Ironically, they take zero responsibility for any inequality of healthcare despite the fact the Planned Parenthood clinics abound in minority neighborhoods and that abortion clinics in general are notoriously under or unregulated. Look no further than convicted murderer and former abortionist Kermit Gosnell in West Philadelphia as an example of unregulated abortion clinics in Black neighborhoods.
Evangelist Alveda King, Director of Civil Rights for Unborn Children and niece of Martin Luther King, had something to say about the Planned Parenthood Black Community message to young women.
“Mother Teresa saw abortion as the greatest example of poverty.  ‘It is a poverty,’ she said, ‘to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.’ Abortion is a civil wrong. The pro-life movement stands for justice and is ‘the new civil rights movement.’ What ‘Blacks’ were for the Civil Rights Movement of the 60s, the unborn are for the Civil Rights Movement of today.”
She was not alone in her condemnation. Twitter blew up with backlash from people who saw right through the condescending message disguised as concern to black women.
Please keep tweeting racist bs like this so the world will know what your really about. @PPacthas always been about racial cleansing
— Bryan Kemper (@BryanKemper) November 2, 2017
Well, I never thought Planned Parenthood would concede their founding mission was keeping black babies from being born, but here we are.
— Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) October 31, 2017
Better not have babies or you'll die!!!!!
— Romy (@heyitsromy) October 31, 2017
Are you advocating abortion rather than motherhood for black women? One has to wonder your motives!
— Terrence J Flowers (@Terrencejflower) November 3, 2017
Will your org increase funds to help black women access proper healthcare & become parents? Seeing as your name is Planned Parenthood & all.
— Máirín McGrath (@MawMcGrath) October 31, 2017
But PP Black Community simply doubled down.
Us: Black moms are dying in child-birth. Also, abortions are medically safe. Anti-abortion trolls: *screams genocide* *sets web on fire* Us:
— PP Black Community (@PPBlackComm) October 31, 2017
I am not sure what the image of female rapper, Cardi B, saying, “I feel so damn powerful." was supposed to convey. But, those who promote the message of abortion through the use of fear are not promoting anything at all that empowers women. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Hopefully most people will be “woke” enough to realize that it’s not compassion or concern for minorities that motivates Planned Parenthood to “help” women.
Victoria Gisondi is Public Outreach Associate for Priests for Life, the world's largest Catholic organization focused exclusively on ending abortion.


Planned Parenthood tells Blacks: You’re better off aborting your babies

Planned Parenthood tells Blacks: You’re better off aborting your babies
J. Bicking /

Victoria Garaitonandia Gisondi
November 7, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – In what has to be the most shameless marketing strategy in recent history, a Planned Parenthood Twitter account called PP Black Community, tweeted a "scary stat" on Halloween morning: "If you're a Black Woman in America, it's statistically safer to have an abortion than to carry a pregnancy to term or give birth. #Scary Stats."
If you're a Black woman in America, it's statistically safer to have an abortion than to carry a pregnancy to term or give birth #ScaryStats
— PP Black Community (@PPBlackComm) October 31, 2017
What's truly scary is that an organization that prides itself on its message of empowerment and inclusion is fear mongering young minorities with the exact opposite message of empowerment and inclusion. Planned Parenthood is convincing young Black women that they are not equipped to give birth. They are telling them that abortion is a safer option. They are saying if they choose to be mothers, they will most likely die.
Interestingly, this message is coming from the nation’s largest abortion business.  It’s an obvious and malicious hard sell to minorities whose neighborhoods are already invaded by abortion clinics. They may as well push them over the edge.
If Planned Parenthood’s intent was to bring attention to the disproportionate amount of maternal deaths and the lack of quality healthcare for Blacks compared to Whites, then they failed bigtime. Instead their message sounded something like, “Let us kill your baby before your baby kills you”.
Ironically, they take zero responsibility for any inequality of healthcare despite the fact the Planned Parenthood clinics abound in minority neighborhoods and that abortion clinics in general are notoriously under or unregulated. Look no further than convicted murderer and former abortionist Kermit Gosnell in West Philadelphia as an example of unregulated abortion clinics in Black neighborhoods.
Evangelist Alveda King, Director of Civil Rights for Unborn Children and niece of Martin Luther King, had something to say about the Planned Parenthood Black Community message to young women.
“Mother Teresa saw abortion as the greatest example of poverty.  ‘It is a poverty,’ she said, ‘to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.’ Abortion is a civil wrong. The pro-life movement stands for justice and is ‘the new civil rights movement.’ What ‘Blacks’ were for the Civil Rights Movement of the 60s, the unborn are for the Civil Rights Movement of today.”
She was not alone in her condemnation. Twitter blew up with backlash from people who saw right through the condescending message disguised as concern to black women.
Please keep tweeting racist bs like this so the world will know what your really about. @PPacthas always been about racial cleansing
— Bryan Kemper (@BryanKemper) November 2, 2017
Well, I never thought Planned Parenthood would concede their founding mission was keeping black babies from being born, but here we are.
— Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) October 31, 2017
Better not have babies or you'll die!!!!!
— Romy (@heyitsromy) October 31, 2017
Are you advocating abortion rather than motherhood for black women? One has to wonder your motives!
— Terrence J Flowers (@Terrencejflower) November 3, 2017
Will your org increase funds to help black women access proper healthcare & become parents? Seeing as your name is Planned Parenthood & all.
— Máirín McGrath (@MawMcGrath) October 31, 2017
But PP Black Community simply doubled down.
Us: Black moms are dying in child-birth. Also, abortions are medically safe. Anti-abortion trolls: *screams genocide* *sets web on fire* Us:
— PP Black Community (@PPBlackComm) October 31, 2017
I am not sure what the image of female rapper, Cardi B, saying, “I feel so damn powerful." was supposed to convey. But, those who promote the message of abortion through the use of fear are not promoting anything at all that empowers women. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Hopefully most people will be “woke” enough to realize that it’s not compassion or concern for minorities that motivates Planned Parenthood to “help” women.
Victoria Gisondi is Public Outreach Associate for Priests for Life, the world's largest Catholic organization focused exclusively on ending abortion.

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    "Planned Parenthood": Judging by the contents of this article that would make the very name of this national butcher shop & baby parts market an oxymoron. What they are planning is 'Planned I'm not pregnant anymore' and can keep on doing what I was doing when I got in trouble before'. Planned Parenthood-FAIL!

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      Where are all the screams from the race baiters about racism?

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          Well, thank you PP. After that lovely enlightenment, I'm now so very "woke"

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              BLACK LIVE MATTER!
              From Fr.Martin's facebook:
              "Just a few of the over 2,000 amazing students from Jesuit
              middle schools,
              high schools and colleges, and other Catholic schools and parishes, who came to Washington, DC, this weekend for the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Social Justice. Each year the IFTJ, sponsored by the Ignatian Solidarity Network sponsors lectures, workshops, seminars and events, including a Prayer Service on Saturday and Mass on Sunday, leading up to an advocacy day on Monday on Capitol Hill. You can't feel anything but hope and joy when you meet these amazing young people, whose hearts and minds are committed to Gospel justice."
              By advocacy Fr. Martin means lobbying for LGBT. Martin is teaching kids to LOBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
              This IFTJ LGBT lobby had Frs. Martin, Massingale and Sr. Simone Campbell (NUNS ON THE BUS) as sponsors .
              Too bad they can't lobby for the unborn.
              This week Fr. Martin is indoctrinating Holy Cross Fathers and Brothers at Notre Dame University and then he goes on to FAIRFIELD UNIVERSITY on Wed. Nov.8. Onward Christian soldiers of RESISTANCE and picket Father Martin. If enough of us boycott his speeches, maybe some of these schools will cancel his talks. Fr. Martin S.J. has some racket bussing in MIDDLE SCHOOL KIDS!

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                  PP are the scum of the earth. They wouldn't do to an animal what they do to the unborn & their would-be mother. It is an abattoir & they are making money hand over fist & governments are complicit. The public vote these demons into office so basically it comes back to them to deselect them & charge them with premeditated murder. It won't stop until you make enough noise as to frighten the politicians & judges who are benefiting from this racket.

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                      That's a thought; pose the question of, "What would your response be if there were a company established called, 'Planned Pet Parenthood', which boasted of "feeling powerful" after having aborted puppies and kittens?", and then gauge the reaction.

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                          I would be disgusted, but then they wouldn't get away with that. Animal lovers would be on their backs in no time at all. Unfortunately, not the same thought is given to human life despite human beings having souls that enter eternal life after death. The gruesome & premeditated murder of a live human being (whether in the process of gestation or afterwards) has to accounted for both to God & the world. Even if you don't believe in God the facts of what happens in abortion clinics should revolt you. No-one with a human heart could bear what these devils are doing & making money from. No government or legislature should accept such gross criminality & must move to close down these facilities. Emphasis should be given to the young women who are driven to abort their babies, often by home neglect, abandonment by their partners, lack of accommodation & jobs etc. which are part of governmental provision. Nothing is being done about getting men to provide child maintenance for the children they father which, if they did have to, would make them think twice about having their fun without responsibility & also greatly help the mother to maintain a home life. Doing away with the next generation is not smart & will mean that terrorists will be taking your jobs because the lives of Americans that should have had them have been terminated - by court/government order. We complain about the holocaust & rightly so, but this is also a holocaust yet very few people are prepared to stand against it. History will not be kind to America in this respect (or any other country involved in mass murder).

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                              Good Response. Yes..we must intervene so people don't have to get to the point that they would consider abortion. Individuals can't save each person that they WISH to save, but individuals CAN save INDIVIDUALS. And THAT will be such a blessing to the recipients that the idea and the spirit behind it, will soon spread a spark across our nation.

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                                  With the U.S. government having controlled the curriculum in the education system long ago (was it 1963?) we have all been taught that we are animals and not distinct from other animals [which have no souls]. Meaning that we share the same life; no heart, no soul - just 'dancing to the music of our DNA' - just living beings having descended from other primates (which notion is preposterous), all from one common ancestor.
                                  It's no wonder, then, that human life has been devalued to the point that babies (including their "parts") have become a commodity.

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                                      Most of my entire family supports this, but will be extra gentle and protective with an animal or insect.
                                      They go as far as vehemently marching in those hats to support it.
                                      My theory is they're either blind to reality or have a seared conscience.

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                                        Awesome question. We should start a website about this and see how many people get involved working against it.

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                                        I used to fight against abortion every chance I got but over the years I came to realize that the one's using abortion for birth control were liberal blacks,liberal whites and liberal whatever else's so I still wont condone abortion but I wont lift a finger to stop it.Nature has its own ways of fixing its mistakes so if liberals want to self cleanse their gene pool then who am I to stand in the way of a natural process of thinning the herd of the less desirable's.

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                                            I have found your attitude increasingly prevalent, especially in commenters at more "libertarian conservative" sites like Breitbart. Unfortunately, it is a betrayal of principles, and a surrender to the idea that "the end justifies the means" and is not something that a person who respects life can simply give into.
                                            Instead, work to convert liberals even as you work to protect life.

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                                                I'm glad you spoke up. Thanks. And I agree. Innocent, is innocent until PROVEN guilty. Or maybe in Borghesius's thoughts, "Innocent until proven a hateful liberal". We just don't know who will grow up hating Godly principles. But we DO know that EACH of us is guilty of SOMETHING. So spreading a little mercy sounds like a good plan.

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                                                    You are absolutely right but I hope you see my point,I cant stop them but I can put the responsibility for their actions right back on them where it needs to be.If they were to give the unwanted child to me I'd gladly raise it but they are to self centered to even do that.Liberals lack the same thought process that the rest of us were born with so the murder will continue.

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                                                        i have to wonder what God thinks about this. Do we commit sin if we do not do SOMETHING to prevent the slaughter of innocents? Would God say that we are not responsible after we explained that we gave up the fight to save lives because of the politics of the parent and desire to "put their actions right back on them?

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                                                            Agree. To remain silent is to add to the crime. Abortion can seem impossible to stop. Abortion MIGHT be preventing horrible people from raising horrible people, but then again, they might not. (then again, we are ALL horrible people, aren't we?)
                                                            As I've said elsewhere...'Individuals can not save EACH person they WISH to save, but Individuals CAN save individuals. So...what CAN we do.
                                                            1. We can AUTHENTICALLY PRAY in the name of Jesus Christ.
                                                            2. We can be KIND people, because when the public sees KIND people, their hopes are raised.
                                                            3. We can be MORAL people....because again, hopes are raised when they see a good standard of living.
                                                            4. We can be FRIENDLY people. A smile goes a long way.
                                                            5. We can donate our time and resources for organizations around us.
                                                            6. We can help the young mother next door.
                                                            7. Maybe we can babysit, get their children off the bus, so they don't have to rush home in a panic.
                                                            8. We can invite the children into our homes and gIve them a taste of happy, healthy, home-life.
                                                            9. We can pay someone's utility bill, to give them a hand up out of debt.
                                                            10. We can encourage neighborly chats, and create a sense of unity and helpfulness.
                                                            All these things create and spread HOPE. And HOPE keeps people from turning onto the sad path of destruction.
                                                            Unhappy people abuse, destroy, steal, hate, commit crimes.
                                                            Happy people, don't.
                                                            So let's go create some HAPPY.

                                                              see more

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                                                          Nature doesn't kill unborn babies for ideological reasons. Killing an unborn child is MURDER! And any sensible person should oppose it. Even if the child's mother is a liberal...

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