Thursday, August 13, 2020

asmPolitics-384 [Cuomo Bros., Chinese Virus Death Toll, CNN]

Investigation of COVID-19 cover-up in New York nursing homes is bad news for CNN

August 12, 2020 - 7:28 AM

An Associated Press investigation showing that more than 11,000 people may have died as a result of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s order forcing infectious coronavirus patients into long-term care facilities is obviously bad news for the state’s chief executive.

It is also bad news for CNN, which has done more than any other news outlet to reframe Cuomo’s disastrous handling of the pandemic as a success story.

"New York’s coronavirus death toll in nursing homes, already among the highest in the nation, could actually be a significant undercount. Unlike every other state with major outbreaks, New York only counts residents who died on nursing home property and not those who were transported to hospitals and died there," the AP reports.

It adds, "That statistic could add thousands to the state’s official care home death toll of just over 6,600. But so far the administration of Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo has refused to divulge the number, leading to speculation the state is manipulating the figures to make it appear it is doing better than other states and to make a tragic situation less dire."

The governor, for his part, said this week that he sees no need for an independent investigation of his administration’s response to the coronavirus.

One thing that Cuomo's suspiciously self-serving remarks and the AP investigation have accomplished is that they have put CNN in an extremely unflattering light. If nothing else, CNN took the exceptionally unethical step of allowing one of its chief anchors, Cuomo’s little brother, Chris Cuomo, to host the governor for a series of overtly friendly, glorifying interviews, even as more than 11,000 people reportedly were dead or dying as a direct result of the administration’s worst mistake.

“Obviously, I think you're the best politician in the country,” the younger Cuomo said in June following one of his many interviews with the governor. "I hope you feel good about what you did for your people because I know they appreciate it. … I've never seen anything like what you did, and that's why I'm so happy to have had you on the show."

“Of course, I’m not objective, but let’s call it straight," the CNN host continued. "Yeah, he’s my brother. … But the results are there for all to see."

CNN has largely given Chris's brother a pass, even as it has tried to nail other governors to the wall.

Remember, as New York state officials have allegedly worked hard to obscure the true long-term care facility fatality rate, CNN has worked hard to elevate any number of COVID cranks, including a former Florida Health Department employee and her exceptionally flimsy claim that Gov. Ron DeSantis’s administration is manipulating the Sunshine State’s coronavirus infections and fatality rates and an idiot busybody lawyer who enjoys trawling Florida’s beaches in search of people he can scold for not adhering to social distancing guidelines.

CNN may yet still report the truth of what happened in New York’s long-term care facilities, but it cannot erase its efforts to portray Cuomo as a hero, contrary to all available evidence.

Spokespersons for CNN did not respond to the Washington Examiner’s request for comment.

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