Saturday, January 16, 2021


Sky News Australia
1.11M subscribers
Sky News host Paul Murray says the “nonsense” about wearing masks or not is the new way lefties in the US can accuse someone of being an “evil knuckle dragging Republican”. A CNN reporter during a press conference in the rose garden asked President Trump why some of the officials on stage were wearing face masks and others were not, while all of the reporters were indeed wearing masks. The President pointed to the fact it was outside and they were all social distancing, and he said he gave them the option. He later tweeted a picture showing the exact same reporter in the White House briefing room without her mask. Mr Murray said the issue of wearing face masks is basically the “new way of showing that you care about your fellow citizens” of if you’re an evil Republican who “wants to drag the country down with you”. Image: AP
Draven Nevermore
Masks are effective only when cameras are on.
The media get triggered and are virtue signaling. Their hypocrisy is easy to unmask.
My Friend Jen Online
I think everyone saw this coming. Politicizing wearing or not wearing a mask. I shake my head at both sides.
Lt Dan 1969
NY Times, Accuses Donald Trump Jr. of “Misleading Video” of Joe Biden Groping Women and Children… When It’s Actual Footage!
Gary zaprzalka
I see Nancy Pelosi without a MASK many times
Peter Solar channel
It's good to have options.
Eugene Sant
So 60 years ago....that was the same space where Kennedy Had pool parties with teenage girls.
Lucifer Black
Disinfectant donny down 6 points and rising......... D'OH The end of Disinfectant donnys days as POTUS approaches.. November 2020....⚰️
Those reporters who go against Trump is asking 3 years old questions whenever they can
Aussie Patriot
😭😭😭Stop asking Trump simple questions. 😭😭😭 Murray gets triggered. 😭😭😭
In my small UK city hardly anyone wears masks, throughout the whole pandemic most haven't been wearing them. Nobody I know has had the virus or knows anyone who has had it. Even the police aren't wearing them. People are out in the street and parks enjoying the great weather, shops are starting to open.
andy mackenzie
..."hardly a big, & cavernous place"! somebody's shroomin', & it is not i.
Rahmi Azzahra
Flexibility makes life easy
Andrew K Best H
Mask on face some say want to be in movies. Haaaaaa Later
Hot Chihuahua
Call it out like you see it 👍👍 !
Sky news Fox News same story
Dak Ota
3 months into covid 19 and Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci are just now putting on face masks..? 🤔🧐
Jan Sanono
No idea who you are Paul Murray, but on the evidence of this vid, you’re a massive knob. Then again, you work for Murdoch, so that much was obvious.
Vision World
A guy... worry about your own country! We got this!
Lawrence Richards
WION channel reporter also thinks wearing masks will prevent infection. yes only if you are very close to a caughing infected person. WION channel wants to be like CNN , anti Trump. These are the people who will drive a wedge between Ondia and US when India is trying to shift US supply chain to India from china.
J. J.
Or she got emotional and lost her sense of reason like many of us during this time. Move on.
randolph kubicek
The majority of people don’t need masks, but duck tape. Start distributing them to the MSM.
Imanu Pyrasun
Jeffrey Erdine
Australians i hope you dont get fooled by CNN my country is on fire right now because of this left bias media Mainstream they forgot about the virus and they are pushing the protesters to go out and riot, the corona virus fear is all out of the headlines the election is near and they want to smear Trump with all this ruckus
Nychelle Brewer
What a strange and ridiculous man. I'm not sure why I tend to expect something more coherent from Australia.
Guest NY
CNN is more reality tv drama show ....than genuine news
Bieber Anti-Fascist
Paul Murray failed to give me 500 bitcoin. FeelsBadMan
Ijjy A
It's sad to see this video... 90K + people have died your focusing your energy on a reporter..? Just holding the administration to account (objectively)
CNN is only for show
Mia Amar
Why is trump being tested for a hoax?
Jeff Spam
It's SHOW TIME Mr President
David Carter
Where do we get low life’s on TV like this guy .... oh....of course....Rupert’s paycheques. That master of business has proven over and over again around the world that he can capture a market of news viewers, usually around 20%, by just telling them what they want to hear, not by reporting the truth.
Andrew Emmanuel
You get an opportunity to ask a question to the president of the United States and she asks a simpleton question.
Libs are pro choice for women's health. But want to mandate masks? Don't I have discretion over my own body and what I want to wear?
Trumps a alpha Male that's why he doesnt wear a mask
Sophie Peraaud
Simon James
Trump can't wear. Mask his ego gets in the way and also his tan will wipe off
Wm. Patrick Milford
Masks at this point just shows the sheeple. Preferably dying of asphyxia breathing co2. We already know that the U.S. media is brain dead.
Chicago For TRUMP
Bend over people Bill Gates and his husband want to give you some Love .
Knowbody that speaks wheres a mask. Look at all people from all country's . Learn something today.
Richard B
Did they just get this guy because his British accent makes him sound intelligent. Do you hate Donald Trump so much that you're blind to the Programming and brainwashing. The Dems want to turn the whole country into a San Francisco. where are the illegal aliens have more rights than you do. And the homeless walk out into the street and go do do. I have an idea, let's follow the guy that turned himself into a global multi billionaire. Maybe he just might know how to run the country.
Magda Guise
We wear masks in public, not for us, but to protect YOU. We're educated enough to know we could be asymptomatic and still give you the virus. No, we don't "live in fear of the virus". We just want to be part of the solution, not the problem. We don't feel like "the government is controlling us". We feel like we're being contributing ADULTS to society. If we all could live with other people's consideration in mind, this whole world would be a much better place. Wearing a mask doesn't make us weak, scared, stupid or even "controlled", it makes us considerate.
Truth Seeker
The media is controlled by Hollywood elites who are involved in whatever you want to call them, illuminate, deep state, Billionairs club but they are all tied together .. Epstein has major ties to the Clintons. The media especially CNN is the cause of most all the problems in our nation. People automatically accept anything they say as true when truth is it is almost all false. complete opposite most of the time..
David Wong
Keep the Fear to yourself there are no Cronovirus!!!🤧😷🤒⚰️Great Job!!!
Fluffy Anne
I heard today that wearing a mask is like erecting a cedar rail fence to keep the mice out.
Arleta Kobylka
For two months dr. Fauci and Birks without masks ,this time with. They have to keeping their mouth shut. Thank you, president give them a chance, they choose. Even better, is nothing to set.
Eugene Sant
The masks are a prop to keep This Dem-panic going.
Michelle Clark
andy. hello.
People wearing the face masks who aren't sick are the ones most prone to mind control and programming.
chris marsh
I've been to indoor pools, they seem pretty big. The room they are in looks more like 2 x 40 foot containers joined together.
Masks are a waste of time they only weakens your immune system, and the wearer breathes back in what they have just exhaled. In other words it would be a bit like carbon monoxide poisoning.
Wearing a mask only enhances the viral activity, and makes you more susceptible to keeping the flu like symptoms and not allowing your body clean air to prevent getting it in the first place.
Recat Routson
I live in Northwest Ohio USA I rely on you to get the truth on the US . On Sky News Australia we can get the truth . From you in particular I trust what you say and I really enjoy your show . But we can't get the truth from the media in the US . U.S. news is fake news media. Keep up the excellent work Sky News Australia .. Some on Sky News are total Asses , you are definitely not . 🇺🇸🇦🇺
Sun Shine
For their whole life Chinese people have worn masks from multiple viruses and their heavy pollution and have now brought their culture to the rest of the world. They look like they are from a horror movie with their masks.
Kaiyan Zhao
CNN is China News Network
art kesh
If masks are so effin effective, then why don’t they give it to the inmates instead of releasing them??
Eugene Sant
The question is why wear masks now when the virus is petering out? The leftist media Democrat propaganda machine goons just Started wearing masks in the last Few weeks while the virus has been among us since January. Fauci looks like a total tool.
Golden's rule
That is so funny... How in the hell with a straight face can they even say the word hypocrisy... When CNN owns it
Robert Drake
Very little risk outdoors, high indoors. They should be mandatory indoors in businesses and public buildings.
gator gil
Constitutional right. We get to decide.
Marco Tonta
Mask are good when they are put on just for couples of minutes not all day long.. Human breathed out carbon dioxide thru out their mouth , where the hell will the gas go if you have a mask on and blocking it ...
Unless the "Masks" are rated & properly fitted they only stop between 2% to 5% of the virus which makes them totally ineffective.... It's politics & scare tactics that drive them.... The U. S. is in an election year & radical socialist/communist politicians are weaponizing the "Corona Virus" to hurt the U.S. economy.
That’s Just Crazy Talk
I go out and just laugh at the lemmings wearing the masks. I shamed one of my neighbors into not wearing one more than one month ago (challenged his manliness) and guess what — he HAS NOT gotten sick and now he’s so happy to be able to breath freely. We had beers and brats on the grill last evening, AND there were more than 10 people in the group. Oh no, I’m such a rebel. 😝
The masks aren't working people. Get with the program . We're on pool noodle hats now!
It's Australia Day Every Day
Cant wait to see all the CNN reporters tearing up on TV when Trump wins the election again with a huge majority. Kept watching those videos with laughter for 2 years.:) He's not my president hahha, Believe all women hahah, This time it will be China collusion hahaha 4 more years TRUMP 2020 Pence 2024 hahha please just to rub it in
Brian Kearnaghan
The Democratic Communists have come up with the notion that a perfectly healthy person who is not sick is going to be more of a threat than a person driving a car above the speed limit after leaving a bar after consuming a few drinks. I'll take my chances and do all the other safe things and leave it at that. I believe I still have a higher chance of being severely injured or killed in an auto accident than I do of dying of this virus because I didn't wear a mask. And if I start getting sick, I'll put on a mask if I can't stay away from others.
He is the only one who is showing you..... not telling you ..... look at Fauci real pleb he needs one of those toothless masks they make in south africa.
Rob K
I don't know why anyone asks Trump questions anyway..I mean he's just going to lie, so why waste your breath?

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