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Do as I say, not as I do: Hypocritical Democrats show their true colors

- - Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Liberals are all about demanding that people do as they say, but they never apply their rules to themselves. The COVID-19 pandemic has unmasked Democrats for the true hypocrites they are — and always have been.

Take House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The California Democrat, who has supported full lockdowns over COVID-19 and advocates a national mask policy, was caught last week dropping into a hair salon in California — ordered closed by the governor — and walking around without a mask.

In security footage obtained by Fox News, Mrs. Pelosi is seen walking through the eSalon in San Francisco on Aug. 31. Ironically, during an appearance on MSNBC that same night, Mrs. Pelosi blasted President Trump for delivering his Republican National Convention acceptance speech before a live audience on the White House South Lawn where many people were not wearing masks.

The 81-year-old California Democrat, who got a wash and a “blow-out” at the salon, took a few days to come up with a defense: It was all a setup.

“I take responsibility for trusting the word of the neighborhood salon that I’ve been to over the years many times, and when they said, ‘We’re able to accommodate people one person at a time.’ I trusted that,” the speaker said. “So I take responsibility for falling for a setup. And that’s all I’m going to say on that. I think that this salon owes me an apology, for setting me up.”

Salon owner Erica Kious told Fox News, “It was a slap in the face that she went in, you know, that she feels that she can just go and get her stuff done while no one else can go in, and I can’t work.”

But that’s how Democrats roll — do as I say, not as I do. And if they’re caught, they’ll demand YOU apologize. It’s not just Mrs. Pelosi.


prominent Democrats stand accused of hypocrisy for ignoring COVID-19 restrictions they're urging their constituents to obey

Over the past two months, over a dozen Democratic elected officials serving at the local, state, and federal levels have been called out for publicly and privately flouting both official restrictions and general best public-health practices for stopping the spread of the coronavirus. 

With COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths surging nationwide, Democrats have been criticizing President Donald Trump and other Republicans for continuing to hold indoor gatherings, such as the 20 holiday parties the White House has planned and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's plans to hold a series of State Department parties that a combined 900 guests have been invited to.  

But as the monthslong battle with the pandemic has dragged on into the fall and winter, many Democratic politicians have also been accused of falling short in adhering to official guidelines, like avoiding big indoor gatherings and holiday travel, that they urge their constituents to follow. 

Few Democratic politicians have attended anything comparable to the now-infamous late September nomination ceremony for Justice Amy Coney Barrett at the White House that became a coronavirus superspreader. But many have contradicted their own guidance or even official rules they issued aimed at preventing the transmission of COVID-19. 

Liberal and conservative critics alike have expressed a mix of confusion, disappointment, and anger over what they see as blatant hypocrisy from politicians acting as if they're above the rules — and endangering public health in the process. 

"These hypocrites have to know their behavior undermines their credibility and helps spread the virus they say they want to fight. The only possible conclusion is that they just don't care," New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz, who has kept a running tally of politicians defying COVID-19 restrictions and guidance on Twitter, wrote in a recent column. 

"The Daily Show" host Trevor Noah also tore into Democrats not practicing what they preach in his December 3 show. 

"Like, I'm sorry man, everyone has given up their lives and you've got these politicians who are just hypocrites out here. What — do you guys think corona respects your office too much to come after you?" Noah said. "In fact, in a way, these Democrats are even worse than the anti-maskers because of their hypocrisy. At least when those dudes break the rules, they're open about it."

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