John Brennan’s anti-Trump tweets grow more and more maniacal. His latest tweet holds that Donald Trump’s Russian diplomacy in Helsinki “rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors.’ It was nothing short of treasonous.
That tells people all they need to know about the unseriousness of the left’s impeachment drive, not to mention exposing once again the demented malice behind the Obama administration’s spying on the Trump campaign.
The unhinged criticism is also hilariously rich, given that John Brennan, who supported the Soviet-controlled American Communist Party, meets the textbook definition of a useful idiot for the Russians. At the height of the Cold War, he was rooting for the Reds, casting his vote in 1976 for Gus Hall, the American Communist Party’s presidential candidate. If anyone is adept at serving as a dupe for the Russians, it is John Brennan. To paraphrase John Kerry, he was for them before he was against them.
What changed? How could Brennan support the Soviet Union, even to the point of voting for one of its puppets, but then hysterically denounce any diplomacy toward Putin’s Russia? The answer lies in Russia’s shedding of communism. Brennan, who refused to take his oath as CIA director on the Bible, misses the days of atheistic Marxism and fears the revival of a Christian Russia (Brennan, while walking the halls of the CIA festooned with LGBT buttons, would rant to colleagues about Putin’s refusal to allow gay pride parades in Moscow.) Brennan deplored Reagan’s description of the Soviet Union as an evil empire and joined other leftists in demanding that he pursue détente with Marxist thugs who make Putin look like a piker. Were Russia still collectivist, he would be using his Twitter account, which boasts his belief in the “collective future,” to praise, not trash, diplomatic gestures.
Anybody familiar with Brennan’s past, which includes not only supporting the evil empire of the Soviets but also the evil empire of radical Islam (his time as Obama’s CIA director was marked by apologetics for the thugs of the Muslim Brotherhood, ludicrous attempts to sanitize the concept of jihad, and nonstop whitewashing of the problem of Islamic terrorism), can only laugh at his anti-Trump antics. That the media gives this fulminating fool and fraud a platform is a measure of its own lack of seriousness and absurdly sudden hawkishness.
The outrage about the Trump-Putin meeting is empty noise, generated by the America Last crowd to hurt an America First president. It won’t work. From Hillary to Pelosi to Brennan, they are the little lefties who cried wolf — after decades of feeding wolves. Their credibility is nil; their counsel is immature and reckless.
“Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin” gasped Brennan. “Republican Patriots: Where are you???” Other than members of the resistance and reflexive Trump-haters, no one takes these juvenile smears seriously. It is humorous to see these self-proclaimed “adults” hazing Trump for not behaving like a childish hothead. If another president were prioritizing peace over retaliatory tit-for-tat, they would praise him. But since the diplomacy is coming from Trump, it has to be “treasonous.”
Brennan isn’t just throwing stones from his glass house but boulders. He once said that he feared his support for Soviet stooge Gus Hall threatened his entrance into the CIA in 1980. This sounds like a wild satirical parody, but it isn’t: a dupe for the Soviet Union rises to the top of the CIA, uses his position to shill for Islamic radicals, eggs the FBI into spying on the Trump campaign, then leaves the CIA only to resume the radicalism of his youth, calling for civil disobedience and the overthrow of a duly elected president. Brennan’s only expertise on treachery comes from his own.
There are several questions that must be asked regarding this person who, probably more than Putin, regards the collapse of the USSR as the greatest tragedy of the twentieth century:
(1) Who recommended his employment in the CIA?
(2) Why was he given such a pass?
(3) Who was responsible for his rise through the ranks since the 1980s?
(4) Why was he recommended for selection to the directorship?
(5) How extensive is this obvious rot in the Central Intelligence Agency?
Brennan should go under the microscope.
The crooked web of swamprats who helped his rise should be rooted out of Langley along with all his acolytes.
A microscope? you can see this blithering idiot at 100 yards at midnight with no moon. His intellect is darker than the absence of all matter.
And today, the chattering classes are aghast that Trump seems to be siding with Putin against "his" "own" intelligence services. No Shinola, Sherlock.
I agree. Brennan and the rest have lied to us for years. From the sell out of GI's in Vietnam to the ridiculous embroglio of Afghanistan.
Why do you think Brennan (et al) are protesting so much?
Because they are the ones with something to hide. Misdirection works against the simpleminded and mindless media.
He is so filled with rage and fear that he's become overtly unhinged.
He's a totalitarian-minded thug who's power was unfettered in the IC. He resents his lack of ability to continue delivering partisan justice under the law.
As to what he has to hide: there are repeated reports (seriously under-reported) that he traveled to Moscow in January 2016, did NOT meet with the Russian Foreign Ministry, but with the FSB, successor to the KGB.
As DCI, that is, perhaps, understandable, but it has been suggested- if not actually stated- that he received the infamous Trump Dossier directly from them. After showing said document to that arbiter of Truth, Harry Reid, Brennan felt the need for a cutout to disseminate it to the press.
Enter GPS Fusion and Christopher Steele.
Even Fox News seems reluctant to press on this story.
In fact the more he rages the more it is apparent Trump is really having an impact on these turds.
I agree. I was not a Trump fan at first, but you can tell a lot about a man by the enemies he makes.
And he enrages people I despise. GO TRUMP!
The media are complicit in this.
Don't forget Korea of 70 years ago and Iraq.
Who has lied to Trump the mosf? US Intelligence or Putin? What do these Talking Pissants of the Media think he should have done - challenge Putin to a Battle of the NUKES? Idiots!
The IC workers (analysts, information collectors, etc.) are truly great. But the "Intelligence Services" of Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, maybe Wray, and so many political, non-intelligence types are no more, no less trustworthy than Putin.
Maybe someday those who planned and pulled off 9/11 will be brought down. It all ties in with Tel Aviv who are the Pentagon, the CIA, global pedophilia, massive bank fraud, EU, Crown and actual Nazis (one in the same) whose real plan was to steal land from the poor in Britain and Europe. None of the British castles were harmed in that operation.
He works for Kissinger Associates. Follow the money.
Nothing new here, During WW II, Soviet agents and spies were everywhere from the Oval Office to the elbow of the chief of the O.S.S. The O.S.S. was so riddled with Communists spies that the FBI wouldn't cooperate with them. Neither would the military intelligence. Commie Brennan at the CIA -- I'll see that and raise with Abe Fortas and Arthur Goldberg, both identified by US Intelligence as security risks during WW II, and both ending up on the Supreme freakin' Court..
It was common knowledge that Eleanor especially and FDR to a point, admired the Soviet Union.
FDR basically "gave" E. Europe to the Soviets.
Patton was killed in very strange circumstances as he strongly demanded the USA beat the Russians into Berlin

Helen of Troy had a face that launched a thousand ships, and Eleanor had a face that stopped a thousand clocks. And she was a Lesbian. In other words, a perfect Leftist. Although as an 'Old Yorker' Roosevelt should have hated Yankees, evidently he'd been won over to their superior-to-Americans attitude, and that made him a perfect dupe for the anti-Americans in his Administration, like Morgenthau, White, and Hopkins. Patton's unforgivable sin was to refuse to de-Nazify his area of occupation in Bavaria, because the Army of Occupation lawyers (many Jews from Washington, with magic commissions) were filling every vacancy with Communists. Although he was immediately dismissed, by '47 all these 'immigres' (as they were called) had to be rotated back to CONUS to avoid a revolt among the Germans, and because they were sabotaging the USAREUR recovery policy, because the Reds objected to it. Jews in the US were sabotaging US policy also -- organizing boycotts of German products when the US was trying desperately to get the economy going again. Just as today, America's most dangerous enemies were right here at home.
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