Wednesday, April 17, 2019

asmPolitics-182 [Alyssa Milano meltdown]

You just can’t make up the soap opera that is the Democratic party. This article is not satire, although you would think it was from the title.

The Trump Administration as our own Matt Couch reported said late last night they were considering dumping thousands of illegals into Democratically ran sanctuary cities from holding areas at the border.
Since the Democrats and the liberal 9th circuit court refuse to work on immigration reform, and keep hampering the administrations ability to protect our southern border. Trump put out this tweet.

Which in turn outraged the bigoted and hypocritical Alyssa Milano.. She responded with her most moronic tweet to date.

So you want open borders, you want sanctuary cities, you don’t want immigration reform, and you’re mad about illegals going to sanctuary cities? These people are so dumb they don’t even know what they’re protesting anymore.

asmPolitics-181 [President Donald Trump on illegals & sanctuary cities][2]

asmPolitics-180 [President Donald Trump on illegals & sanctuary cities]

Taking a leaf out of Barack Obama’s book, President Trump announced Friday that he may give leftist politicians exactly what they claim to want: more impoverished migrants.
In fact, Trump proposes sending the illegals currently streaming across our border — aided and abetted by leftist-disgorged immigration law and activist judges — right to the liberals’ sanctuary cities. As he announced in the tweets below:
trump tweet sanctuary cities
trump tweet open borders
Our president, always trying to bring joy to others. What a guy!
Shockingly, the Democrats don’t see it that way, though. In fact, they’re up in arms. Their hypocrisy, which American Thinker calls “beyond description,” was illustrated brilliantly by Fox News host Tucker Carlson in a must-watch Friday monologue. He said, in part (transcription courtesy of Breitbart):
The left loves impoverished immigrants in the developing world and why wouldn’t they? They make our cities safer, they tell us. They improve our schools. They provide the backbone of our economy. They do the work that we won’t do. They are diverse. They are our strength. They are the best of America even though technically they’re not Americans. Sanctuary cities love them best of all, that’s why they’ve become sanctuaries for illegal immigrants.
Every Democrat now running for President has affirmed this repeatedly.
Carlson also played a number of video clips in which left-wing, immigrationist politicians profess their supposed love and admiration for all migrants. One was Oakland mayor Libby Schaaf, who, Carlson stated, believes in immigrationism “so deeply that last year, she warned illegal immigrants in her city, including several criminals, that an I.C.E. raid was coming. She wanted to give them time to flee, and they did. And she later explained she had no choice. All good people want more illegal immigrants in their cities.”
He then said just a bit later:
So the left really couldn’t be clearer on this question. All immigration is good. More immigration is better. There is no distinction between legal and illegal varieties of immigration. And if you disagree with any of this, you are a white nationalist. That’s what they said almost every day for the past two years. We’ve watched carefully and so have you.
And now here, completely out of the blue comes the man they despise most in the world, Donald J. Trump, offering them the one thing they want more than anything — more immigrants — immediately delivered right to their door at Federal expense. Well, it must have been like Christmas morning. You think you’re getting another pair of socks and yet there it is a pony tethered to your mailbox. Holy smokes, amazing. Best day of your life.
But that’s not how they responded. The left wasn’t happy about Trump’s offer. They were shocked, and they were completely enraged. “You know what this is,” they said. “It’s dumping.” Dumping — like what you do with garbage or used truck tires in the woods....
So what’s the message the left is sending us? That immigrants are trash? Something you drop off as a cruel prank like a flaming bag of dog waste? If you want it to defile someone’s pristine city, you’d, quote “dump” immigrants on it. Whoa, that sounds a little searching for the word here — racist. A lot racist actually.

Taking a leaf out of Barack Obama’s book, President Trump announced Friday that he may give leftist politicians exactly what they claim to want: more impoverished migrants.
In fact, Trump proposes sending the illegals currently streaming across our border — aided and abetted by leftist-disgorged immigration law and activist judges — right to the liberals’ sanctuary cities. As he announced in the tweets below:
trump tweet sanctuary cities
trump tweet open borders
Our president, always trying to bring joy to others. What a guy!
Shockingly, the Democrats don’t see it that way, though. In fact, they’re up in arms. Their hypocrisy, which American Thinker calls “beyond description,” was illustrated brilliantly by Fox News host Tucker Carlson in a must-watch Friday monologue. He said, in part (transcription courtesy of Breitbart):
The left loves impoverished immigrants in the developing world and why wouldn’t they? They make our cities safer, they tell us. They improve our schools. They provide the backbone of our economy. They do the work that we won’t do. They are diverse. They are our strength. They are the best of America even though technically they’re not Americans. Sanctuary cities love them best of all, that’s why they’ve become sanctuaries for illegal immigrants.
Every Democrat now running for President has affirmed this repeatedly.
Carlson also played a number of video clips in which left-wing, immigrationist politicians profess their supposed love and admiration for all migrants. One was Oakland mayor Libby Schaaf, who, Carlson stated, believes in immigrationism “so deeply that last year, she warned illegal immigrants in her city, including several criminals, that an I.C.E. raid was coming. She wanted to give them time to flee, and they did. And she later explained she had no choice. All good people want more illegal immigrants in their cities.”
He then said just a bit later:
So the left really couldn’t be clearer on this question. All immigration is good. More immigration is better. There is no distinction between legal and illegal varieties of immigration. And if you disagree with any of this, you are a white nationalist. That’s what they said almost every day for the past two years. We’ve watched carefully and so have you.
And now here, completely out of the blue comes the man they despise most in the world, Donald J. Trump, offering them the one thing they want more than anything — more immigrants — immediately delivered right to their door at Federal expense. Well, it must have been like Christmas morning. You think you’re getting another pair of socks and yet there it is a pony tethered to your mailbox. Holy smokes, amazing. Best day of your life.
But that’s not how they responded. The left wasn’t happy about Trump’s offer. They were shocked, and they were completely enraged. “You know what this is,” they said. “It’s dumping.” Dumping — like what you do with garbage or used truck tires in the woods....
So what’s the message the left is sending us? That immigrants are trash? Something you drop off as a cruel prank like a flaming bag of dog waste? If you want it to defile someone’s pristine city, you’d, quote “dump” immigrants on it. Whoa, that sounds a little searching for the word here — racist. A lot racist actually [video below].

Immigrationist-extraordinaire house speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) also hissed opposition to Trump’s proposal, saying, “The extent of this administration’s cynicism and cruelty cannot be overstated. Using human beings — including little children — as pawns in their warped game to perpetuate fear and demonize immigrants is despicable.”
Using people? Seriously? The only reason these illegals are in our country is that the Democrats want to use them to damage Trump politically over the short term and as future voters to cement their power over the long term. Moreover, leftists have relentlessly used migrant children — whom they’ve portrayed as being “in cages” — to score political points. Never mind that such detention methods are not only just, but were used under President Obama as well; in fact, the “cages” (holding areas, actually) in question were built under Obama.
But leftists specialize in using and abusing kids to advance any and every cause (e.g., the Parkland and Covington students). They’re the ones who ever say do it “for the children” — you know, like killing them in the womb.
As for “cynicism” (which probably isn’t the appropriate word here), note that Obama set the precedent of trying to ship migrants to political opponents’ localities, places “such as Murietta, California; Yuma, Arizona; and a conservative area of New Mexico, bringing crime, disease, and a high need for social services, without consulting those communities,” as American Thinker writes.
Note, Obama was sending illegals to places strongly opposed to illegal migration as a sort of “in your face” move; in contrast, Trump is just suggesting giving immi-lawless cities’ politicians — and the vast majority of residents, who voted for them — what they claim to want. But, apparently, “cynicism” in the Lexicon of the Left means “demanding leftists live up to their own professed principles.”
Moreover, Obama’s agenda might have been truly nefarious. According to a 2015 source claiming to have gained access to inside information, the new illegal aliens were meant by Obama’s administration to be “seedlings” that would develop a “country within a country.” The idea was that these foreigners would “navigate, not assimilate,” as they eventually would “take over the host,” come “out of the shadows” and push “the citizens into the shadows” (story here).
Whatever the case, immigrationist, divide-and-conquer policies do have the effect of balkanization, of breaking down national cohesion and creating nations within the nation. Yet while the “seedling” process is visited upon places such as Hazelton, Pennsylvania; and Lewiston, Maine, planting is never done, interestingly, in rich liberal areas. Leftists’ don’t want the migrants’ presence — just their future (and sometimes present) votes.
For Trump’s part, he doubled down on his migrants-to-“immi-lawless” cities proposal Saturday, tweeting:
trump tweet just out
trump tweet democrats must
trump tweet so interesting
Unfortunately, while Trump’s proposal makes a great point, it ultimately could have the effect of helping the illegals stay in the United States, as the AP points out.
Nonetheless, the moral of this story is that it’s easy to be idealistic when you don’t have to live with your ideals. It’s reminiscent of how white leftists in the wealthy Dumbo section of Brooklyn, NYC, were big supporters of “diversity” — until authorities tried to put poor minority students in their kids’ schools. One Dumbo parent actually said, “It’s more complicated when it’s about your own children.”
Yeah, and it’s more complicated when it’s your own city — at least to selfish, self-centered people.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

asmPolitics-179 [School bullies student]

It doesn’t say anything like ‘build a wall,’ so I don’t get how it could be offensive, how it could be disrespectful,” Mackenzie said, according to Fox News.

The teen said that the school principal said the Trump regalia violated the school’s dress code, but a review of the dress code does not seem to clearly prohibit the Trump wear.

“If it said no political gear, I could understand why it was dress code, but it didn’t say that, so I feel like I’m obligated to have my own opinion and other people can have theirs,” McKenzie said of the published dress code. “We don’t have to agree, that fine.”
But now, the school superintendent says she’s investigating the incident at Epping High.

Superintendent Valerie McKenney said she would not comment specifically on the investigation because it involves a district employee but noted that she wants to head off any future incident.
“When the investigation has been completed, we will take steps to remedy this situation for all parties involved and ensure that this type of situation never happens again in any Epping school, “McKenney said, according to the Union Leader.
School board Chairman David Mylott added that he couldn’t find anything in the dress code that would prevent a student from wearing Trump-branded clothing. He added that he plans to bring the incident up for discussion at the April 18 board meeting.
The ACLU also spoke up for the student’s right to wear the Trump items.

“We are deeply concerned about the actions of Epping High School in censoring this peaceful political speech in support of the President. T-shirts — as well as hats, buttons, and other wearable items — are a common way for students to express their views on everything from political races to social issues. Unfortunately, schools have a long history of trying to censor this form of peaceful expression. Public schools should create an environment where the free exchange of ideas is fostered, not silenced,” the group said in a statement.
Finally, the school principal is apologizing for his ignorance.
According to the Union leader:
In a letter addressed to the school community on Friday, Brian Ernest admitted his mistake when Ciretta MacKenzie was told to cover her shirt.
Ernest said he met with Ciretta’s family and offered his apologies.
“We have begun to draft a plan to move forward to promote civil discourse and diversity in our schools. In retrospect, I want to fully acknowledge my error in judgement (sic) and sincerely apologize if my actions were misinterpreted and offended anyone. That was never my intention,” he wrote.

 The school should fire him.

asmPolitics-178 [D.L. Hughley attacks Herman Cain]


Where’s the outrage over D.L. Hughley’s racist attack on Herman Cain?

September 30th, 2011
Black comedian D.L. Hughley is at it again, making racist and incendiary comments about Republicans. Apparently, Herman Cain’s victory in the GOP Florida straw poll was too much for the liberal-minded Hughley to bear. On September 27, Hughley launched into a stream of demeaning, racially charged tweets about Cain on his Twitter account @RealDLHughley, which his loyal followers responded to in kind. You may remember Hughley’s fleeting CNN talk show was cancelled in 2009 because he said during an interview with former RNC Chairman Michael Steele “the Republican National Convention literally looks like Nazi Germany.”
Hughley’s tirade against Cain may have gone unnoticed were it not for @blackrepublican tweeting about Hughley’s incendiary commentary. “Herman Cain won the Florida straw poll by a lot! I loved Herman Cain when he played Mr. Gaines on a different World,” Hughley tweeted. This prompted other tweets by Hughley and his followers that implied Cain was an Uncle Tom and not REALLY black because he is a conservative who doesn’t choose to believe in Democrat plantation policies that keep blacks economically oppressed.

Apparently, Hughley was too absorbed in his racist Twitter banter to notice a recent Rasmussen pollthat found Cain trailing Obama by just 5% in a hypothetical match-up.
Several tweets later, Hughley wrote:
This enticed others to compare Cain to the “original Cream of Wheat,” “Stepin Fetchit” and the “butler in Gone with the Wind” — all of which conjure up demeaning, racist caricatures used during the pre- and post-Civil War era to describe the “dutiful slave.”

It’s shocking that, in the 21st century, blacks would so viciously attack a black man because he didn’t agree with their politics. Martin Luther King Jr. would be horrified because this isn’t the freedom he fought and died for.
Even more surprising is the fact that Hughley hasn’t removed or denounced any of the tweets, particularly the one which makes an offensive reference to Sarah Palin.
Most shocking of all, the liberal media has completely ignored the story. If the shoes were reversed and a white conservative comedian or radio host like Rush Limbaugh authored and incited such offensive commentary about Barack Obama or a black Democrat, the left-wing news media and politicians would be outraged. They’d demand apologies, firings and boycotts. But when a black comedian says racist things about a black Republican, he gets a free pass.
While the liberal establishment is busy protecting the double standard, their policies are doing nothing to create jobs for the 16.7% of blacks and 45.6% of black teens who are unemployed. Instead of mocking black conservatives, maybe it’s time for black liberals to turn their attention to some new ideas. After all, the Democrat hand of government isn’t helping blacks rise up. It’s only keeping them enslaved and dependent on a promise that is never realized.
Crystal Wright is a black conservative woman living in Washington, D.C. She’s the editor of the website Some would say she’s a triple minority: a female black Republican living in a Democrat-dominated city.

asmPolitics-177 [President Donald J Trump on Senator John McCain's Legacy]

written by John Haltiwanger for

The late Sen. John McCain provided intimate details of how he obtained the infamous so-called Steele dossier in his 2018 book, "The Restless Wave."
The Republican senator was attending an annual security conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia shortly after the presidential election in November 2016 when retired a British diplomat approached him.
According to McCain, he didn't recall ever having a previous conversation with Sir Andrew Wood, but may have met him before in passing. Chris Brose, a staff member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, and David Kramer, a former assistant secretary of state with Russian expertise, joined McCain and Wood in a room off the main conference hall.
After discussing Russian election interference for a few minutes, Wood explained why he'd approached McCain in the first place.

"He told me he knew a former MI6 officer by the name of Christopher Steele, who had been commissioned to investigate connections between the Trump campaign and Russian agents as well as potentially compromising information about the President-elect that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin allegedly possessed," McCain wrote.

Wood told McCain that Steele had compiled a report, while careful to note the information was unverified, which the former British spy "strongly believed merited a thorough examination by counterintelligence experts."
"Our impromptu meeting felt charged with a strange intensity," McCain wrote. "No one wise-cracked to lighten the mood. We spoke in lowered voices. The room was dimly lit, and the atmosphere was eerie."
It all seemed "too strange a scenario to believe" at first, he wrote, but the six-term senator felt that "even a remote risk that the President of the United States might be vulnerable to Russian extortion had to be investigated."
After further discussion, the group agreed to send Kramer to London to meet Steele. When Kramer returned from the meeting and told McCain that Steele seemed to be a reputable source, the Republican senator agreed to receive a copy of the dossier.
"The allegations were disturbing, but I had no idea which if any were true," McCain said. "I could not independently verify any of it, and so I did what any American who cares about our nation's security should have done. I put the dossier in my office safe, called the office of the director of the FBI, Jim Comey, and asked for a meeting."
McCain ultimately turned the dossier over to Comey in a meeting on December 9, 2016that he said lasted about 10 minutes.
"I did what duty demanded I do," McCain wrote, adding that anyone who disagrees with his decision can "go to hell."
The Trump-Russia dossier alleges the Kremlin has been "cultivating, supporting, and assisting" Trump for years under the watchful eye of Putin. The most salacious allegation claims Trump once paid Russian prostitutes to perform sexual acts in front of him that involved urination in a Moscow hotel. Trump has dismissed the dossier as "fake" and "phony."
In general, the concern surrounding the dossier is that, if it were all true, the Russian government could have enough incriminating evidence on Trump to make him vulnerable to blackmail, though the president has fervently pushed back against this perception.
Some details within the dossier have been verified, but much of it remains unconfirmed. With that said, it continues to be one of the most controversial topics of conversation regarding the Trump campaign's alleged collusion with Russia.
McCain wrote that he suspects Wood approached him about the Steele dossier because he has been such a persistent, staunch critic of Putin over the years, and that he would "take their concerns seriously."
The Arizona senator's last book, which he co-wrote with Mark Salter, came out in May 2018.

asmPolitics-176 [President Donald J Trump on Senator John McCain's Legacy]

President Donald Trump on Thursday continued his verbal attacks on the late Sen. John McCain, claiming that the Arizona Republican gave to the FBI an explosive dossier on Trump and Russia “for very evil purposes.”
The president, in an interview with Fox Business, was asked by host Maria Bartiromo why he “spent a good portion of your time in Ohio the other day trashing” McCain when the senator is dead.