Sunday, February 19, 2023
Friday, February 17, 2023
4 students charged in N.J. school hallway attack on girl (continued)
New Location For Central Regional Board Of Education Meeting
Thursday's meeting will be held in a different spot to accommodate the expected large turnout.

The meeting will still be held at 7 p.m. on Feb. 16, but it will be in the High School Auditorium to accommodate the anticipated crowd, according to an update on the Central Regional website.
The district's response to a filmed attack on Kuch that lead to her taking her own life has sparked outrage within the community, who have been demanding change from school administrators.
This also lead to Superintendent Triantafillos Parlapanides' resignation over the weekend. Read more: Central Superintendent Resigns In Aftermath Of Student Death
Douglas Corbett, assistant superintendent, is acting superintendent effective immediately, the Board said. Protestors have also called for Corbett's resignation.
Students and parents alike have been protesting in the days since, while community members have been rallying around the Kuch family.
The Board also said that they asked the state Department of Education to conduct an independent assessment of the district's anti-bullying practices.
As of Wednesday afternoon, no agenda has been shared for Thursday's meeting.
Ex-Central Super Still On Payroll After Bullying Scandal Resignation
At a lengthy school board meeting, it came out that the former superintendent was still being paid - raising concerns about his resignation.

BERKELEY, NJ — After controversy in the school district following the death of student Adriana Kuch, then-Superintendent Triantafillos Parlapanides resigned last Saturday.
But at Thursday's Board of Education meeting, residents brought that into question.
Late into the four-hour meeting, a concerned resident named Kia mentioned that the board had officially appointed Douglas Corbett as acting superintendent. However, there was no agenda item noting the acceptance of Parlapanides' resignation as there was for another employee, he pointed out.
He asked the board if this meant that taxpayers were now paying for double salaries.
And after a pause, Board Attorney Christopher Dasti answered yes - but could not discuss it any further as it was a personnel matter.
Kia asked about another item on the agenda approving an "administrative leave of absence" for an unnamed employee. He asked if this was Parlapanides.
Again, the board said that they could not discuss it as it was a personnel matter. This sparked outrage from the audience, who said they felt lied to.
That agenda item was approved by the board; however, board members Heather Koenig, Louis Tuminaro and Board President Denise Pavone-Wilson abstained on the vote. Two other board members were absent.
Questions about Parlapanides were raised by reporters in a press conference hosted by a public relations firm the district had hired prior to the meeting, particularly regarding comments he made to the press about Kuch's personal life and a comment made to News 12 saying that he did not want to "double whammy" a student by suspending them and charging them criminally.
But Corbett said he could not address anything regarding Parlapanides or about Kuch specifically, citing personnel issues again and an open investigation.
Long History Of Bullying At Central Regional, Students Say
Dozens of students and parents shared stories of bullying stretching back decades after a student was attacked in school and took her life.

BERKELEY, NJ — Slurs thrown in hallways, threatening social media posts and physical attacks.
Dozens of current and former Central Regional School District students and parents shared their stories of bullying at Thursday's Board of Education meeting, and according to them, it stretches back decades.
The four-hour meeting was the first since 14-year-old student Adriana Kuch was attacked in the high school's hallways, leading to her taking her own life.
A graduate of the class of 1979 and a current high school ninth grader said the same thing - there is a bullying problem in the district. And they say that administration does nothing to help.
Current eleventh grade student Milo Lugo was emotional sharing stories of being bullied in the district since the seventh grade.
"I've had people try to jump me because I'm gay," Lugo shared.
"I've just been told to ignore it, to be the bigger person, walk away," Lugo said. "I was never really given any genuine help."
That was echoed dozens of times throughout the evening, many speaking through tears.
Former student Sidney Mohel said that he was bullied by students and teachers, leading him to drop out of school.
Mohel said that he went to his guidance counselor seeking help, but was told "grow up, this is the real world."
"I've been out of the school district for two years," Mohel said. "And I've got to say, I've never met a single person who's ever treated me the way those people have."
Parents expressed a lack of faith in the administration and school board.
Bullying was also brought up with context of the board members. Two, Heather Koenig and Merissa Borawski, were under fire last year after sharing racist social media posts. Borawski was absent from Thursday's meeting. Read more: Racism Permeates Central Regional School Culture, Students Say
Joeshun Miller, whose daughter was targeted with racial slurs last year, said that it "shouldn't have gotten to this point."
"This administration is failing our students," father John Galifi said, adding that what they have done in response to Kuch's death was a "reactionary kneejerk" that was too late.
"These children don't feel safe coming to school," Galifi said.
Another former student, Emily Bush, punctuated her speech with "a big f--- you."
Speakers argued for change, and Acting Superintendent Douglas Corbett outlined some ideas the district wants to implement.
Prospective measures include establishing a steering committee of parents and more to evaluate the district's approach to bullying, an independent examination of the school's anti-bullying policies, guest speakers and student assemblies and more.
He also invited community input.
"We will not stand still," Corbett said.
But Corbett did not address Kuch's situation specifically, citing an open investigation. He did say he had not been in touch with the Kuch family.
He also denied there being a "culture of violence" in the district prior to the meeting.
Adriana Kuch received no justice in life & is receiving no justice in death.
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
4 students charged in N.J. school hallway attack on girl
4 students charged in N.J. school hallway attack on girl who killed herself days later
Four students have been charged in a New Jersey school hallway attack on a classmate who killed herself days later, prosecutors said.
One was charged with aggravated assault, another with harassment and two others with conspiracy to commit aggravated assault, Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley D. Billhimer said in a statement Friday.
Their names have not been released. NBC News does not usually name minors charged with a crime, even those charged as adults.
“Each juvenile and their guardian was served with a copy of their complaint and are released pending future court appearances,” Billhimer said.
The prosecutor’s announcement is the latest development in a case that has garnered national attention after video of the Feb. 1 attack at Central Regional High School in Berkeley Township was posted online.
Adriana Kuch, 14, was found dead in her Bayville home on Feb. 3. The four students involved in the assault have been suspended, Central Regional School District Superintendent Triantafillos Parlapanides said.
Adriana’s father, Michael Kuch, said in Facebook posts and to NBC New York that several students attacked his daughter while walking with her boyfriend in the hallway.
He wrote on Facebook that a video of the fight was posted online and Adriana, a freshman, had been tagged in it. He said he believes it was posted to “make fun of her online.”
Kuch expressed outrage over the school’s handling of the incident, telling NBC New York that police were never called even though Adriana blacked out and had bruises on her body.
Parlapanides told NBC News on Friday that police were notified and that “teachers and safety officers intervened” in the fight. He declined to provide further details about the involved students or the fight.
“It is a tragedy and our thoughts and prayers go out to the family,” Parlapanides said in an emailed statement.
The Berkeley Township Police Department did not immediately return a request for comment.
Kuch told NBC New York there had been an issue involving his daughter and one of the girls “for a couple of years.”
“She had been threatening my daughter online,” he said.
He told the news station he thinks bullying drove his daughter to die by suicide.
Students at the school held a rally for Adriana in protest of the school’s lack of response.
“Adriana took her own life because nobody at the school was able to help or care or step in,” sophomore Roman Valez told NBC New York. “I would actually like to teach the people who bully what they’re actually doing and how it affects.”
This article first appeared on
This article was originally published on
All should be expelled, names made public, the dude who laughed and filmed it should also be charged and expelled. Because that person who filmed it is the culprit of tagging her and posting it online. Cellphones should be banned from the schools. This is what happens when the school boards don’t do nothing to protect these kids from abuse, bullying and harassment.
I am grieved to think that the girls were simply sent home from school. They need to be sent away for the rest of their high school years. Yes, even the ones filming the incident.
The parents...I do not know what to even say. Shameful. If that was my daughter involved in the bullying, harassing, assault and then causing the murder of this beautiful girl...she would have been taken out to there by me personally. Yes, sent away for a very long time. The school board/system/teachers whomever was involved not only with the case but all of the other previous complaints of bullying need fired. Immediately! They need to go without pay or retirement money. Never again being allowed to pass the buck or work in this capacity. Come on people stop blaming and get your eye on the perpetrators. I am absolutely heart broken for this family. This girl had her whole future ahead. It's a sad sad day that not only did the students let her down but even the adults allowed this to go on.
the question i have is. if she didn't do what she did. would those four be charged? doubt it, it seems. the principal should be fired.
They should have been regardless of what followed. Since there was a pattern there should be charges manslaughter based on illegal actions leading to death of another. These kids should be publicly exposed and hate crime charges added if appropriate.
In this day and age to be bullied to the point you want to commit suicide is unacceptable. The school administration should be fired. There is no excuse not to protect the children that attend your school. The bullies? They should be arrested immediately for assault, harrassment and murder. I pray for her & her family.
Fire the school principal for not expelling those students. Charge the police officers that did nothing with aiding in a crime. Obviously charge those students with assault. How the father didn't move her to a different school is unbelievable. If that happened to my kid, those that attacked her wouldn't sleep peacefully another night of their lives.
Suspended indefinitely for assault????? Those assailants are still on social media and their parents could care less. Charge those who attacked as adults and make a statement.
There are two words that should not be used in relation to this case. "bullying" and "fight".
This was aggravated, premeditated assault. Bullying is use of words. As soon as you put hands on someone, it's assault. A fight is two willing combatants. Not the case here.
Dr Parlapanides and the police in this town are full of it. I live in this town and bullying has been going on for years and the school did nothing about it. It took a girl to die before they act.
So how well connected are the four accused bullies? This is a case of involuntary manslaughter. For school staff and police, a full in depth of investigation is required. If they ignore or claim there are “two sides”, of a story, what other crimes are going unreported or under reported? There’s more to this I suspect? Which city or town leadership are the four related to?
How about charging school administrators for allowing bullying and not notifying police of the attack. They claim they did but the police have no record of it.
Tell me the race of the bullies and the ideology of this judicial jurisdiction - and I'll tell you the outcome.
If this is a blue district, and if bullies are minorities - little or no legal consequence will occur. My heart breaks for this father.
The names are out there, but yahoo keeps blocking my post.
School district should be sued.
“NBC News does not usually name minors charged with a crime, even those charged as adults.”
but it had no issue posting fake information about a young white kid who dared to wear a MAGA hat, Sandman.
They should all be charged with manslaughter and the school sued!!!
School districts are failing students miserably, in every aspect imaginable. I feel bad for teachers...they are hamstrung by decades of failed liberal education programs and rules that neither educate or protect our children.
Progressive student policies lead to behavior like this. Young people have no discipline. Teach the 3 R's and citizenship.
It should be more than just the 4 assailants charged, school officials and faculty failed her as well.
Suspension is NOT enough! The kids should be charged and sue the school and parents.
If it was the other way around, it would definitely be considered a hate crime
There is no more parenting in this country. Family values are out the window with liberals WOKE agenda. How proud they must be of what they have created.
Adriana will probably be called the aggressor. Bullying is a normal activity supported by schools. Victims that fight back are the problem.
They did not murder her, but they killed her.
Have no fear, these 4 will get a slap on the wrist and continue with their "social" programs.
prison please.
If the victim was black we would see this all over the media
Good they all should be charged and the school should also be held accountable as well.
It's ok everyone knows why the attackers pictures are hidden! If roles were reversed there would be streets on fire!
When will the authorities be charged for their lack of action?
What no news organization has had the guts to do is say that the 4 attackers were all black. Where's the FBI with hate crime charges? Because we all know that if 4 white students attacked a black student this would have a whole different narrative.
The school knew what was going on and did nothing ,i would bankrupt that school.
From what I understand the girls that did the bulling were black. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
The bullies were probably an untouchable color.
4 black students attack White student in hallway for being White.
Q. Would they have been charged if she hadn’t killed herself?
A. No.
Get your kids OUT of the government school system. From K thru grad school they teach them that they are nothing more than animals and we wonder why so many act like animals.
Sadly, these bullies will likely be walking free very soon, able to inflict assaults upon others. We have too many liberals that want to see criminals walk free.
Color of suspects or i shouldnt ask
uh oh..the four attackers are "indefinitely suspended"..that'll teach 'em
notice they don't post the video so you can't see what kind of person bullied her, coulter's law
We will never know the race of the attackers if they are black or brown---but we know if they were white it would have already have been leaked to the press
Jamaal, LaKendreica, Marcus and Shanika are in trouble.
Little Cowards will go free to harass someone else another day...
Additional Tags:
-Teen Savagery on Display
-Doing Everything Wrong
-Losers in Charge
-Atmosphere of Violence
-Unacceptable Behavior by School Officials
-Clowns in Town
-Triantafillos Parlapanides rightly criticized for his pathetic performance
-It took more than a week for the school to suspend her alleged attackers
-Public "education" hits a new low
-Everyone at Central Regional High School plays the blame game
-Barbaric students Being Protected
-Teen Assailants able to avoid Public Scrutiny
-Students warned not to protest
-Idiot School Administrators Are A Danger To Students
-School Brass Controlled by Renegade Students
-Stupidity by Educational Authorities Plays Major Role in The Increase of Bullying/Violence
-Don't Let This Happen to Your Child-ACT NOW!
**Examples of support for student victims of harassment, intimidation, and bullying include: 1. Teacher aides; 2. Hallway and playground monitors; 3. Partnering with a school leader; 4. Provision of an adult mentor; 5. Assignment of an adult “shadow” to help protect the student; 6. Seating changes; 7. Schedule changes; 8. School transfers; 9. Before- and after-school supervision; 10. School transportation supervision; 11. Counseling; and
12. Treatment or therapy.
**taken from school's harassment policy section
More tags, comments, etc
-Next stop for Triantafillos Parlapanides is a major book deal & gig at cnn
-Central Regional High School in Berkeley Township has employment opportunities available for all positions. The current staff/faculty is riddled with clowns, charlatans & imposters. Only ignorant people need apply.
-WE SEE WHERE THIS IS GOING!!!! Teen monsters are allowed to gloat their victim's beatdown, able to celebrate their victim's death and are released to their mommies & daddies. How much more punishment can these girls take??????
-The school nurse should be fired immediately!
-Stupidity abounds at Central Regional High School in Berkeley Township
Central students and families say that Kuch is not the only victim of bullying. Last April, a student was jumped in the school cafeteria after experiencing an injury that left her unable to fight back, her mother previously told Patch. Read more: NJ Star Wrestler Jayla Hahn Jumped At School, Now Fears Going Back
Others shared similar stories with Patch, claiming they or people they knew were bullied and the district did nothing about it.
The same goes for the four girls involved in the fight, students say. Each received 10 days suspension - including Kuch. But this is not enough for those demanding justice.
-above excerpt courtesy of
-a comment to the excerpt directly above: So, after being brutally attacked Adriana Kuch also gets suspended?? Where did they find these morons?? ALL must go!
photo courtesy of written form, the others to be fired are Doug Corbett, Irene Marousis & Thomas Gallahue. The coward Triantafillos Parlapanides is of no consequence for he has already resigned. But will anyone hold these worthless "educators" responsible??
Students said they would keep protesting and fighting until something changes. Kuch’s death was the fifth suicide in four years in the district, according to students.
No 'Culture Of Violence' At Central, Acting Superintendent Says
Acting Superintendent Douglas Corbett denied claims that violence is prevalent in the school district. But state data says differently.

BERKELEY, NJ — In the days since 14-year-old Central Regional High School student Adriana Kuch took her life after being physically attacked in school, many students and alumni have spoken out to share similar instances of bullying.
However, Acting Superintendent Douglas Corbett denied claims that there was a "culture of violence" in the school district, speaking at a press conference Thursday afternoon prior to the Board of Education meeting.
"I disagree with that," Corbett told reporters of the claim. "That has not been my experience at all."
"Do these things occur? Obviously," Corbett said of in-school violence, and said that the district does everything that they can to prevent it from happening.
However, he could not give any specifics on Kuch's attack was handled, citing an open investigation.
Corbett said that the data does not indicate that there is a culture of violence in the district.
But state data shows that harassment, intimidation and bullying (HIB) complaints have risen over the past few years.
In the 2018-2019 school year, the last year with complete data due to Covid-19, there were 25 HIB instances, according to the state data.
That jumped from 16 in the 2017-18 school year, according to data.
In 2018-19, the district conducted 62 HIB investigations. That was also an increase from 35 in the previous school year, according to data.
It is difficult to compare this with more recent data, as the past two school years are incomplete due to remote learning. But former and current students have shared stories of physical bullying in the district.
Former student Jayla Hahn, who now attends school in another district, was attacked in the school cafeteria last year, her mother previously told Patch. She said that the school did not do enough to protect her daughter after the attack. Read more: NJ Star Wrestler Jayla Hahn Jumped At School, Now Fears Going Back
And in a current lawsuit against the district, a student claims that she told school officials that she had received threats that she would be attacked. But officials did not act properly, the lawsuit said, and the student was physically attacked — and similar to Kuch, video of it was spread on social media.
A petition titled "Stop the Violence at Central Regional High School NJ" has garnered more than 12,000 signatures. The petition, started by the mother of the student from the lawsuit, calls for a change in the culture at the school.
"There needs to be a change in administration, there needs to be more security, the school should not be able to solely label these incidents," the petition reads. "The only thing Central Regional does is label these events as 'hallway disturbances' so it does not reach the threshold of needing to involve the police and reports aren't made. It gives them reason to punish the VICTIM."
-Here's another article courtesy of